The Apprentice

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Pre-Curse (Bae in Neverland)

"I've been expecting you, dear. You know it's not too late for you."


(Time skip a few months in Neverland time)

I wake up in my tent for another day. I stretch my arms and legs as a yawn escapes from my mouth. I walk over to my closet to pick another outfit for the day. I planned to train a little bit to work on magic.

I walk out and meet up with Devin for breakfast. The spell worked so he seems like regular old Devin, thank god. We sat down with our pancakes and it eventually turned into a food fight between all of the boys. It was quite fun but everyone was a mess after. I didn't really care thought because I just waved my hand and everyone was clean again. I love magic.

I walked down to the training grounds and practiced a little more and read about different powerful people and fairies. I just sit there laughing at it.

"The Dark One, also known as the most powerful being in all the realms," blah blah blah. I really wanted to go up against this dark one and give him the scare of like oh yeah I have your son and can beat your ass. I laugh and shut the book. I mean why not go and confront him? I have nothing better to do. I'll just tell him who I am since he's probably heard the prophecy and tell him I fell in love with his father. I think about it for a moment before deciding that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I stand up to go tell Peter what I'm going to do and then grab my cloak.

I walk up to his tree house and reach for the handle but stop myself and knock.

"What?" Peter asks a little frustrated. I walk in and he sees me and his entire mood brightens. He walks up and hugs me tightly, burying his face in the crook of my shoulders.

"What's this for." I beam while wrapping my arms around him as well.

"Just the problem with the heart." Worry fills his voice as he lets go of me and turns his back to me.

"What problem? We'll find it, we never fail Peter." I say as I walk up behind him and place a hand on his back.

"But why haven't we?" He says quite a bit louder making me jump.

"Well-" I sigh. "I don't know but I-"

"Wait what if I sent you out there, to the enchanted forest I mean, to go look for him. Maybe the shadows not looking hard enough." I could tell he's been thinking about this for way to long and the stress was getting to him. He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Well actually I came here to talk to you about that. I was just gonna go to piss off Rumple." He looks at me with a smirk.

"I'm the best influence aren't I princess." He laughs.

"Mhm sure you are." I say as I ruffle his hair. "But when I go I can look for the boy as well."

We both agree that that's the best decision. He was a little worried that I was going by myself and but then I brought up the fact, I can't die. He wanted to go too but I told him he needed to be here in case something happened with the boy here .

I give him a kiss goodbye and run into my tent to grab my cloak. I walk out and into the woods to find a spot to create a portal. When I find one I move my hand around in circles and a green light opens in the floor of the forest. I take a breath and jump through and when I land I was back in the enchanted forest. I thought about the village I burnt down so that's where I was. I brush myself off and take a look around. The village was just how we left it. You could still smell smoke and all the building were burnt to the ground along with the grass and plants.

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