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"Even drunk they're madly in love."


I really hated this new person. When I went to talk to her on the beach I started to read her mind. She called Peter attractive and apparently he made her melt. Jealously swept across from me but at the same time, I took it as a compliment. Peter was attractive but he was also mine and mine only. 

I sat on a stump and talked over what happened with Devin. I was going on a full rant and he just sat and listened.

"I mean 'iT wAs UnDenIaBlE ThAt He WaS aTtRaCtIvE' I mean seriously?!" I say frustrated as he just chuckles a little. "It's not funny Devin," I whine as I push him off the stump and he fell the floor.

"Well someone's upset." He groans as he sit's up again.

"Wonder why." I mumble under my breath sarcastically. I heaved myself off where I was sitting and started pacing back and forth frustrated. I run my hand through my scalp as I groan prophanities. 

"I'm sure Peter dislikes her as well," Devin reassures as he comes up and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Really? Because Bae and Wendy both said she's been here before as I was here as well. Meaning somehow she snuck onto the island without me feeling another person and he kept her a secret." I stress. I haven't had a moment like this since I first came to Neverland. I was on the verge of tears and for no good reason. Ugh this couldn't get worse.


I awoke for another day and decided today I was going to bring Wendy her food. It always consisted of stale bread and some water. We didn't put much effort into her comfort because I ordered it that way. Some of the boys questioned me and thought I shouldn't be so hard on her.

They're dead now.

I grabbed the plate of food and walked over to where the crates were. I waved my hand and the crate came crashing down.

"Oww." The girls moans as she rubs the top of her head reminding me of when Peter first started to show the smallest hint of kindness to me. I smile at the memory but noticed I was zoning out and snapped back to reality.

"Heres your food." I telport the plate from my hand into her crate and it landed with a thud splashing water over the bread. She grimaced at the food but she was hungry enough so she took it.

"Why can't I get some real food? If I'm going to be your prisoner I might as well be happy." I scoffed out a laugh and glared at her.

"Oh no that's not how things work around here." I say through some laughs. She looks back down at the stale loaf of bread and took another bite as she scrunched up her face. I got up and walked away from the crates before she talked.

"He's broken." She says and I turn back around.

"Excuse me?" 

"Peter. He's broken." She says as she looks at me through the bars. She talks to me like she knows him. I comforted him when he broke down, I was there for all his adventures, and he loves me.

"Let me tell you something. We're all broken here." I say as I make her crate fly back into the air to hang there. As I strut back to camp to meet up with Peter.

"Hey." I say happily as I skip up to him.

"Someones happy." He says as he breaks away from who he was talking to and turns to me. 

"Yup." I say as I grab his hand and interlaced our fingers and walked out of the camp pulling him along with me.

"Where are we going princess?" Peter asks with a little laugh.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now