Broken Confidence

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"I walked out of the tent not caring what Pan told me to do."


"Princess wake up." I hear Pan say as I slowly open my eyes. 

"What" I mumble as I rub my eyes and go to stretch but I bang my head on the roof of the cage.

 "Oww shit" I say as I rub my head while Pan laughs.

"It's not funny Pan." I glared at him. He was still laughing at me. 

"Do you need something? Or did you just come to laugh at me?" I joked. 

"I just came to laugh at you." He joked. "Naw I'm here to let you out." He said it like it was nothing as he opened the cage with a wave of his hand. I just sat in shock.

"I'm sorry did I hear that correctly? You're letting me go?" I asked in disbelief

"No no. I'm letting you out of the cage but you still have to stay at the camp." What camp was he talking about? He offered his hand but I pushed it away and stood up on my own cracking almost every bone in my body in the process. 

"Come on, it's this way." Pan said as he walked ahead of me for me to follow. I thought about running but something told me to stay. So I followed my gut and followed him. We walked in silence for a while but then I decided to break the silence.

"Pan, why am I here?" I had more than one question but I was just gonna ask a little at a time.

"Because," He hesitated for a second trying to find the answer. "you could be useful." Oh it all made sense now. He never does anything except something that benefits him.

"Oh." I said as I put my head down. I don't know why but I kind of felt a little disappointed that he was just using me. We continued in silence for the rest of the way.


"Here we are." He said as we arrived at a giant camp with multiple treehouses and tents. There was a fire pit in the center with tree stumps and logs around it which I assumed were used as chairs and benches. 

"So other people live here?" I asked him confused considering I hadn't seen anyone else at all. 

"You think I live by myself?" He questioned back and gave a light chuckle. 

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised given how you are." 

He scoffed a little and said, "Yes other people live here but they're out hunting right now. You can meet them later." 

"In the meantime," he grabbed my arm and walked me to a tent, "this is where you will sleep." I stepped inside and it was adorable. It had a small dresser and a small bed. I turned around to thank him but he interrupted me. 

"Don't thank me." He said blankly. It was a little strange how he snapped at me like that but I wasn't surprised. He walked away to a treehouse which I could only assume was his. I turned back to my tent and walked over to the dresser and saw a bunch of clothes that were my size. I looked at them and they looked a lot different from the clothes back in the enchanted forest but they worked. It was all stuff made for hunting and the woods which I guess made sense considering I was straight up on an island filled with woods. I started to try clothes on and they all fit perfectly which I found was strange but I wasn't complaining.

After a while of trying on all the clothes, I heard whooping and yelling outside the tent. It sounded like a bunch of boys. Maybe those were the other people who lived in the camp. Pan told me I could meet them so I walked over to the tent opening and reached to open it.

"Princess don't go out there." I let out a light yelp and jumped almost bumping into Pan who appeared in my tent.

"Pan you scared me half to death," I whispered yelled. He stood there with a serious look on his face.

"I'm serious." He looked me up and down. "Don't go out there."

"Why not?" I questioned. He told me I could me later when they got back.

"Because they don't know about you and I want to talk to them before they see you." Damn someone's being protective.

"Ohh I see. You're keeping me a secret." I scoffed and crossed my arms. He walked closer to me until he was only a few inches away and he looked down at me and met my frustrated gaze.

"Trust me." He said before disappearing out of my tent. I hope he realizes he doesn't  scare me at all and I'll do whatever the hell I want. I threw on one of the new outfits. It was a dark red dress. The ends were uneven with a black leather belt around my waist and I also put on black boots.

 The ends were uneven with a black leather belt around my waist and I also put on black boots

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I walked out of my tent not caring what Pan told me to do. I'm done with him bossing me around. When I stepped out no one noticed me at first then a boy turned around and did a double-take and his jaw dropped. The boy had brown hair and had blue eyes.

Another boy noticed that the boy was zoned out and said, "Devin what are you-" The boy asked but he glanced at where he was staring and saw me.

"It's a girl." He mumbles and the other boys overheard this and all turned around. They all start yelling at once. I smirk, proud of disobeying 'his highness'. Then I hear a door slam. I whip my head around to see a furious Pan. 

'Ooh shit' I thought. This probably won't end well.


I appear back in my treehouse after I told Sam to stay there until I told her she could come out to meet the boys. I needed to prepare them before they saw a girl. And she wasn't ugly so I needed to make sure the boys don't do anything stupid. The boys were outside around the fire probably cleaning what they hunted. I had decided I wasn't going to go out there yet because they had just gotten back. But then I heard something strange. Their voices erupted loudly out of nowhere which was strange because they had nothing to be yelling at. I walked out of my treehouse to see what the commotion was. Then I saw her. GOD DAMNIT. I told her to stay inside her tent. I stood there furious and slammed the door shut grabbing the attention of Sam and the boys.

"What the hell are you doing? I told you to stay inside." I scowled at her as I walked to her. I was furious with her. She didn't listen to me and everyone knows to not do that for a reason.

"You don't get to boss me around 'your highness'." She mocked back at me. She always called me that when she mad or when I called her princess. The boys were shocked that she was talking back to me but she needed to be more scared. But she wasn't for some reason. She just stood there, her eyes shooting daggers at me. Oh if looks could kill I'd be dead.

"Listen here princess." I yelled. She stood her ground as she eyed me up and down.

"This is MY island so you follow MY rules not your own. Do you understand me?" I almost screamed. I could tell her confidence just plunged. The boys looked away getting a little of second-hand embarrassment so they went back to working with the animals they had just brought back.

She just looked at me and rolled her eyes as she brushed passed me to head back to her tent. When she left I walked over to the boys.

"Boys, we need to talk. Now." I was pretty pissed at the moment. The boys gathered around me to listen.

"The girl that's here, is here because she is useful. She's also the sister to Hook therefore she's good leverage nothing more than that. Do you understand me?" I questioned them. They nodded and went back to work as I turned to go talk to Sam.

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