Getting Somewhere

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"Yes, and I'm not overly fond of that demon over there."


"Well, what a family reunion we're having," I said as I was leaning on one of the poles of the ship.

"Pan" Sam snarled as she glared at me. 

"You know him?!" Hook asked, concern and anger mixed in his tone. 

"Yes, and I'm not overly fond of that demon over there," Sam answered flickering her eyes to mine.

"Ouch, princess. Demons a strong word." I said sarcastically, pushing myself off the pole. 

"I've told you. I'm not a princess." Hook looked between the two of us. He looked like he could kill me right about now but he wouldn't. He knows I'm more powerful than him and also he works for me.


Peter and I exchanged glares for a while. Ooh, how this man drives me crazy. I looked over at Killian who looked confused. 

"Sam. How do you know him." Killian asked in a panic. 

"This demon has been stalking me ever since I got here. Threatened me a few times as well I believe." I said as I glared back at Pan, crossing her arms.

"What did I just say, princess. Demon is a bit harsh." I scoffed. 

"Ok then 'your highness' it doesn't change the fact that you're an ass." I mocked. 

"You know what?" Pan started walking towards but Killian interrupted making him stop. 

"Enough you two. You sound like five-year-olds." He said getting the two of us to stop bickering. For now at least. 

"Now, what the bloody hell do you want?" Killian asked turning his stance towards Pan. 

"Oh, well I'm glad you asked." He said while smirking. I wish I could just wipe the smirk off his face. He was having too much fun with this. 

"I came for your dear little sister." Pan finished as he looked at me then back to Killian and raised an eyebrow.


"I came for your dear little sister," Pan said. 

I looked over at Sami and her eyes were wide with fear and confusion. 

"Yeah absolutely not. I just found her and I'm not losing her. Not again." I said pushing Sami behind me as I had done so many years ago

"There's no way in hell you get to take her away from me," Pan smirked. He always gets what he wants. But I have to protect her. She's all I have left of my family. 

"Yeah, you're not getting her." I decided. 

"Excuse me?" he said raising an eyebrow. "Did you just say no to me?" 

"Yes. Yes, I did. You say you never fail but it looks like you just did." Shit. I knew I made a mistake the second those words left my mouth. Those words make him butt hurt.

"I NEVER fail," Pan yelled.


Did he just say I failed? I appeared behind Sam and wrapped my arms around her torso. 

"KILLIAN!" She screamed. He shot around and lunged towards me. 

"Buh bye." I said before disappearing into the forest with her wrapped in my arms. When we got to the forest I let go of her and she immediately began screaming at me. 

"WHAT THE HELL PAN!" Here we go again. I stood against a tree awaiting the string of curse of words. "WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONE GOD DAMN DAY?" I chuckled a little. 

"Someone's a little mad," I said under my breath. 


"Mhm. I see. Well, frankly I don't give a shit." I said. She was starting to annoy me a lot and it's never good for anyone when I get annoyed. Luckily for her, she's good leverage. Then she did something unexpected. Instead of yelling back at me she put her back to a tree and slid all the way down. Then she buried her head in her knees and wrapped her arms around them. Then she started crying. Bloody hell. 

"Uhh, princess?" I asked a few minutes later because the silence was getting awkward. 

"What" She snapped through sniffles without bringing her face into view. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. We needed to get moving and she had a cage to get into. 

"I'm crying, Pan." I could tell that question triggered her again. "This is what happens when you're a dick to people." Her eyes were red and her cheeks were glistening with tears. I felt a pang of guilt but I brushed it away. 

"Well, could you stop? We have to keep going." I said annoyed. She stood up from where she was curled up and walked up to me and looked up at me dead in the eye. Amusement filled my eyes. 

"I hate you. You know that right." She said. 

"What was that princess? I couldn't hear you down there." I mocked her.

"I. Hate. You." She drew out the words again while punching me in the stomach. I clutched my stomach at the pain but I laughed. She didn't seem to be amused. 


"We're here." He said. I looked around and saw a bunch of wooden crates. Wait a second. 

"Pan? Why are we here?" I looked at him with fear in my eyes. 

"This is where you're staying," he said blankly. I quickly shot my head up to look at him but he didn't turn to meet my gaze. I scoffed a little.

Oh hell no. He did not just trick me into doing this. 

"I am not getting into that," I told him, crossing my arms. 

"Yes, you are. Whether you want to or not." He responded before grabbing my arm to shove me into the wooden crate and shutting the door and locking it with magic. I climbed to the front of the cage and wrapped my hand around the bars.

"See you in the morning princess." He said before walking away. I was in complete shock. And to think, I thought we were getting somewhere. I pushed myself to the back of the crate and curled up into a little ball trying to get as much warmth as possible in the cold night.

'Great another sleepless night'

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