The Curse

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Curse Hits

"From this moment on, no one leaves Neverland without my permission."


The green smoke wrapped around her and when it cleared she was gone. I let out a long cry for her to come back.

"NO" I cried and tried to teleport there but it wasn't working. Nothing was working. I had to get to her. She couldn't leave. Then I saw a portal form in the water and the ship disappeared. Everything had gone silent. I turned around and shoved past every boy and snapped their necks if they got in my way. Once I hit the woods I teleported to the camp and ran into her tent. I broke down and started to tear it apart. I saw her cloak and her crown and I didn't dare break or rip those. I tore apart her bed and shattered her mirror. I threw things onto the ground and ripped some of the dresses she had in her closet. After all the anger got out I fell to the ground and clutched her cloak in my arms. I sobbed into them hoping to awaken from the nightmare. From this moment on, no one leaves Neverland without my permission.


Killian walked up to me as I stared off the edge of the ship. He stood beside me and looked with me.

"You ok?" He finally asked.

"No" I answered honestly. "Maybe this was a stupid decision." I said regretting leaving. I mean I knew I needed to but there were so many things I needed to say as well.

"Listen I may not be the brightest person but if he hurt you enough to drive you away, then you made the right decision." He flung his arm around my shoulder and gave me a quick side. He smelled of rum but I didn't mind too much.

"Still hurts." I say as I fiddle with the ring on my finger. I didn't want to take it off. Ever. Even now when I was hurting from it. As much I didn't want to admit it I don't think I would be getting over Peter ever.

"You want to tell me the whole story?" I agreed knowing it would just help him understand.

"I became their queen and I got a crown. It wasn't much but it was perfect nonetheless. We had a celebration that night and then another one and me and Peter got really drunk." I laughed at the memories realizing how much joy they brought to me. "Then after that he gave me this ring and promised to never leave my side... then everything went downhill." I sighed. "I really loved him Killian." I said as the tears were coming back.

"Hey hey hey," Killian cooed as he was trying to calm me down. It was nice to be with him again.

"God I'm so sorry." I cried even harder.

"For what?" He asked sofetly.

"For leaving you and never talking to you and then coming and taking a kid of your ship and I was just a bitch and I'm sorry I-"

"Don't worry about it. Love makes people do crazy things." He reassures me. What would I do if I didn't have him to run too?


A crew member from Killians ship yelled 'Land Ho' as I turned to look at what appeared to be docks. We sailed up to it and Killian approached me.

"Hey Junior, I have some business to do and I'll be back in a day or two. I figure you can take care of yourself given the stories I've heard." He wasn't wrong but I didn't really want to be alone at the moment. I agreed however and stepped on the docks and when I did everyone gasped and ran away as a smirk appeared on my face.

"Yeah I can take care of myself." I smirked at Killian. He smiled back at what I had become. I could tell he was proud. I walked on the docks until I hit a stone pathway. I might seem strong but inside I was breaking to pieces.

Instead of walking on the stone path I ran into the forest. With each step I took, grass died leaving a trail of dead grass where I ran. I wasn't doing it on purpose I guess it just showed what I was feeling. I ran until I hit another stone pathway. I heard thunder rumble in the distance and I looked to see how bad the storm would be. When I looked it wasn't like a normal storm. It was a purple cloud and it seemed to be moving over the land quickly. I then heard a carriage coming down the stone pathway. The loud wheels against the stones gave it away. I hid behind a tree and looked. It was a mostly black carriage with white accents and inside was a women with raven black hair.

She looked awesome to be around. I didn't follow however I just stayed put. I noticed the thunder getting louder and then I realized what it was. It was the dark curse. I learned about it on- on Neverland. The name of the place still hurt whenever I thought about it.

I could've prepared and escaped this curse but I didn't have time too. I didn't even know it was coming. The purple cloud was coming closer and closer until it was very near. The smoke engulfed me and I closed my eyes and covered my ears not knowing what was to come next. 

And then my mind went black.

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