The Ring

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"For one moment everything one perfect. And then that moment ended."


I awoke like normal but with a burning headache. I quickly made the pain go away but then I felt something around my waist. It was Peter's arm. I looked around and realized I was in his treehouse. Last night was a blur but I certainly don't remember coming in here. I flipped over to see Peter's sleeping face. I wanted to get up but I didn't want to wake him up. I smiled at him as I just took in his appearance.

"It's rude to stare princess." My face went red as I rolled out of bed.

"I wasn't staring," I said blatantly not wanting to boost his ego even more. 

"I'm sure you weren't." He said as he groaned and rolled out of the bed. He walked over to where I was standing and placed a hand on my waist. "Last night was fun."

"Yeah, it was." I smiled. Most people say drunk words are sober truths so I replayed the words Peter had said while we were dancing. I walked out of his treehouse to get dressed in my own. I put on yet another dress but this time it was a white tulle dress with red flowers.

 I put on yet another dress but this time it was a white tulle dress with red flowers

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I smiled at my appearance and walked out to see Peter with the boys. He walks over to me and pulls me into a quick kiss.

"How do you manage to always look gorgeous?" His smile grew as his hand slid down to my lower back and traced up my spine.

"I looked like this naturally." I said confidently.

After talking for a while he had to go train the boys. I skipped out on training and walked over to Felix who also skipped out.

"Hey Felix." I said as I approached him from behind. He smiled at me and nodded. "I wanted to thank you. For yesterday."

"Anytime. How are you and Peter?" He asked as he leaned against a tree tossing his dagger.

"I'd say we're good." I smiled as I looked down at my feet. He chuckled. 

"I do have to thank you as well." Felix said as our eyes met. I looked into his grey eyes and he looked into my green ones.

"What for?"

"Fixing Peter." He thanked as I remembered what him and Castian said last night.

"He fixed me in ways too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. I would say kill myself but that's a little impossible." I joke.

"Well if Peter ever lost you at this point I don't even want to imagine what this place would look like." He shuddered at the thought of him losing me making me laugh.

The rest of the day I walk around the island just admiring my life and what it had become. I was freaking all powerful and I could get anything I want. I walk up to skull rock and sit in the eye socket hanging my legs over the ledge. I stared out across the waters and I could see over the island as well. The breeze blew my hair around and my smile was huge.

"Thought I'd find you here." The voice I had grown to love said from inside the skull. I turned around to see him.

"Well you thought right." I said as I patted a spot beside me for him to sit. He climbed over and sat where I was sitting. We both looked at the view and he interlanced our fingers as I leaned my head on his shoulders.

"There's something I wanna give you." Peter says as he stands up and I follow him. He pulls out a gold ring,

 He pulls out a gold ring,

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"I know it's simple... but it means a lot to me so I want you to have it. It's like a promise. I promise to you that I will never leave your side. Just don't leave mine." He takes my hand and slides the ring on my index finger. I raise my hand and the sun glistens on the ring making it shine.

"Peter Pan. I wouldn't dare." I say as I collide our lips. We pull away for something called 'air' as we go to sit back down. I was never going to take this ring off. People say villains can't love. Pfft we're proving these bitches wrong every second. We take in the scent of the fresh Neverland air as the breeze blows past us. I cuddle up closer to him and he hugs me tighter.

For one moment everything was perfect. And then that moment ended.

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