The Ballroom

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Fifth Season

"The music turns off and the two of us look at each other and the light that I once saw fade in his eyes was back."


Peter and I spent a few minutes cleaning the huge mansion. It didn't take long since we just used magic. Most of my power was restored and I felt more powerful than ever.

We walked through the halls of the mansion until we came across two huge double doors. I placed one hand on each of the textured doors and pushed them open revealing a ballroom.

"Oh wow," I whispered as I stepped into the room, Peter following behind me. I don't remember this room when we cleaned the house but I was pleasantly surprised. 

The room was completely empty except for a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room and a big phonograph on a little wooden table. I turned on my heel and looked back at Peter who was leaning against the doorway with a big smirk on his face. He then pushed himself off the door frame and walked over to the phonograph and turned it on. 

Song: Fake Empire by- The National

A song I had never heard of started to fill the room. Peter turned back to me and raised his hands creating a beautiful dark green dress around me. My heels raised and I found diamond shoes on my feet as well.

 My heels raised and I found diamond shoes on my feet as well

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I stood there smiling like an idiot. He started to walk towards me.

"God, you look so good in green." He breathed out as his eyes gazed me up and down. "Oh but we almost forgot one thing." He held his hand out his hand out and closed his eyes. The shape of a circle started to form but when it became more clear I knew what it was. The crown. He placed it gingerly on my head and lifted my chin with two of his fingers to face him.

"May I have this dance?" I looked into his deep green eyes and smiled.

"Of course you can Peter Pan." He took my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor and twirled me around, my dress spinning around me as he did so. Laughter bounced off the walls and seemed to echo on forever.

The two of us danced to the music and matched the energy. It was upbeat and completely informal for the way we were dressed but it didn't matter. I wish this moment could last forever.

As we spun all the problems I had were gone. I was living in the moment for once. Not the past. Not wondering about the future. But I was living in the now. Peter lifted me up and spun me around in the air making me laugh.

My smile was genuine and wasn't leaving. Ever. 

The song came to an end as the upbeat faded into a slower rhythm. By this time, Peter and I are swaying side to side in each others arms.

The music turns off and the two of us look at each other and the light that I once saw fade in his eyes was back.

"We can finally be together forever." I laugh at the realization but Peter's face drops at the words.

"Princess, forever is a long long time and time has a way of changing things." My face drops at the words. What was he trying to tell me?

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's just-" He sighs before taking my hand in his. "I could see you after I left. And I saw the pain you were going through everyday. That pain is something no one should go through. So, just in case something else happens to me... promise me you'll be ok and move on?" He looks at me with worry filled in his eyes.

"Peter nothing's going to happen to you, ok? I promise you that I will get you back to the real world." He nods his head in agreement. "Let's go for a walk." I propose and the two of us walk out of the house and into the woods. The house was buried in the woods, almost impossible to find unless you were looking for it. We got into the woods, still in our dress clothes, and it felt just like the moments on Neverland. 

I looked at him and smiled before turning my head back down to my feet.

"What?" Peter laughed and me.

"Nothing, nothing." I giggled as I kicked rocks in front of me.

"Don't lie to me Sam." Peter warned and I decided to test him.

"Or what?" I could tell by the fire that filled his eyes that that was a mistake the second I said it. He slowly stalked closer to me but I stood my ground and raised a playful eyebrow. He kept getting closer until he was inches away from me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"Won't tell me?" He asked once more and I shook my head. "Fine. Have it your way." He grabbed my shoulders and pushed my back against the tree. "Last warning."

"Or what." I whispered back to him without any fear at all.

"Or this." He slammed his lips into mine roughly and pushed his tongue into my mouth without warning. I placed the palms behind my back against the tree. He moved his lips down to my neck and started to suck on different spots trying to find the sweet spot. He eventually found it and I let out a hushed moan when he did.

"What was that." Peter smirked against my skin and I immediately sucked in my cheeks and bit down on them preventing another sounds from coming out and giving him the pleasure. "Guess I'll have to find a better way to get it out of you then." He smirked again and started to trace his hands from my chest and started to go further down until we hear someone in the forest speak.

"SAM?!" The familiar voice shouted, bouncing through the thick greenery.

"shit shit shit." I pushed myself off the tree and waved my hand making the green gown disappear into my normal attire. "Ok be stay here and be quiet." I whisper to him as I teleport myself an unsuspicous distance away.

"SAM WHERE ARE YOU?" He yelled again and I walked till I saw him.

"Henry?" I spoke and he turned so quickly he almost fell.

"Oh, god. I thought you were hurt or something." He ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug. He pulled me back and gave me a questioning look and pointed to the top of my head. "Why are you wearing a flower crown?"


"Oh, I just-" I took the crown off my head and made it dissapear again. I started to talk again while also trying to figure out what to say.

"Wait, that's your crown from Neverland." He said almost disappointed. "Why do you have- Peter." He scowled under his breath. "Peter's here isn't he." Guess there's no point lying to him now.

"Look Henry-"

"So that's where you took off to for hours. Without telling me." He seemed pissed and I had no idea why.

"I thought you'd be happy that I found him again. I mean look I'm happy!" I said as I smiled with a laugh.

"Sam, he's the defintion of Satan."

"We've been over this Henry. I thought you understood? What happened?" I raised my voice at him starting to get angry.

"Whatever it doesn't matter. You coming to look for you family or not?" I nod my head slowly as I tell him I'll be there in a second. He turns away and starts to walk out the woods. 

I teleport back to Peter who, by the looks of it, heard the entire thing.

"Don't listen to him." I rolled my eyes and gave Peter a hug. "Listen, I've got to go. Killians in trouble and I need to find him. It'll also give me some time to figure out a way to get you back, ok?" I smile softly at him which he returns and gives me a light kiss.

"Be safe, princess." 

"I will. Love you," I say behind me as I skip off to go find Killian.

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