We did it

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Return to Neverland

"It's adorable and I'm never going to let you forget it."


"Hey, come here." Peter said from outside the tent. I stood up and walked out, he looked shocked at what I put on but then his face turned into a smirk. He shook it off as he found he was getting distracted. "Follow me, I figured you'd want to spend as much time out as you can.

He led me to where Felix was sitting. Peter sat next to him and I sat across from them, getting a perfect view of the cages. Felix and Peter were sharpening spears and other weapons before I interrupted.

"Is she still in there?" I questioned pointing to the cage that was floating. Peter looked at the cage then back at me and smirked sending butterflies through me.

"Yup. Hasn't been outside since... well since you were last here." Peter responded and continued to sharpen his weapon. A jolt was send through me and the same with Peter as well.

"What is it?" Felix looks between the two of us with concern.

"Someone's leaving Neverland." Peter sighs deeply just he doesn't seem to care.

"Where? How shall we stop them?" Felix reached down for his weapon, excited to fight.

"It's too late. Don't worry, Felix. We need to get word to out friends on the ground." Peter proposes to him.

"In Storybrooke?" He sounds a bit annoyed and unsure at his judgement.

"They can handle this. All it does is move up our timetable a touch. We need to get Henry ready." We were so close to finally getting Peter's immortality and finally living together forever. Peter and I had been so busy it was hard to get alone time but hopefully soon we will.

"And I need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage." A smirk grows on my face as I know who he's talking about. Wendy Darling.


We lowered her cage and she was expecting it to be a lost boy or Peter but when our eyes meet her eyes widen in fear.

"Sam-" She stutters out and she pushes herself against the back of the cage.

"Oh, I'm not going to hurt you unless you help us." I smile.

"Ok, what do I need to do." The deal from all those years ago is still real. She listens to us, we spare her brother. Her brothers listen to us, we spare her.

We get her into the treehouse and put her on the bed.

"Pretend you're sick or something. Magic's dying and all so you're sick." I disappear with Peter behind a curtain and wait for the show to begin. Felix lays the apples at the foot of the house to lure Henry up it. He takes the bait and him and Wendy talk for a moment. It was short but I knew it was the kind of motivation he needed to 'save magic'.

After Henry leaves the two of us step out from where we were hiding.

"Well done," I say sarcastically "I couldn't have played the part better myself." I lied but had on a fake smile.

"Oh, and that bit about dear old dad. Excellent job." Peter adds as she sits up in the bed.

"I don't like lying to him." Wendy finally speaks. I roll my eyes about how annoying these good people can be. 

"Well, don't think of it as lying." Peter continues. "Think of it as, providing motivation."

"Motivation for what?" She continues. I look at Peter to see if he's actually going to tell her or not.

"Doing what needs to be done. For all of us. See, Henry had the hear of the truest believer, and I need to control that belief." 

"What do you need him to believe in?" God she's so nosy.

"Me." Peter snarls obviously annoyed by all the questions.

"Now back to your cage." I smirk as she glares at me with a mixture of pure hatred and fear.


After we put her back in her cage Peter and I go on a walk where we can finally be alone for a little. He grabs my hand, interlacing our finger, and swings them back and forth like preschoolers. I laugh as I reach into my pocket with my other hand and pull out the note.

"Care to explain this?" I smile as I hand him the folded paper. He lets go of my hand as he opens the paper with both hands.

"Damn. I forgot to take it out of the room." I giggle and take the paper back, putting it back in my pocket. 

"It's adorable and I'm never going to let you forget it." I tease making him roll his eyes.

"I was truly a mess though. Felix was scared that I might attempt to kill myself." I look down at my feet with guilt. "I wouldn't though. Not when I could've still had the chance to see you again." He grabs my hand again and we keep walking.

"You know, when I left, I wasn't thinking at all. I regretted it the second I left but I did it just to spite you. I never stopped loving you." I whispered making him stop in his tracks and turn me to face him.

"Well then I'm glad you're back, princess." He pulled me into a kiss before we heard rustling coming from some leaves. Peter teleports us behind a tree to see who it was. It was Henry coming back from Wendy.

'I'll be right back' He mouths as he teleports to where he's propped up on the other side of the tree.

He and Peter have a long conversation and finally Henry says he wants to save magic. Relief flushes over me as Peter leads him away to skull rock. I knew Peter wanted me to go, I just needed to stay hidden. I put an invisibility spell on me and flew over the two of them.


"Remember, every hero gets tested." I watch the scene go down in the shadows since the spell wore off and I'm too lazy to cast another one. Henry was holding his heart in his hand and was about to give it to Peter. We were so close to a happily ever after it's insane.

"Henry... I know what being a hero looks like, and this isn't it." Emma pushes on. Well he's saving my happy ending.

"Why would they lie?" Henry questions Peter who panics to find an answer.

"Because that's what adults do, Henry. You know that better than anyone." Peter saves himself quickly.

"Henry, you have to believe us." Regina tries to save the thing she loves most but I don't think it's going to work.

"Your parents don't care about Neverland, Henry. They know if you give your heart to save it, then you'll have to stay. They're being selfish because they don't wanna lose you." Peter walks behind Henry and looks at the heroes in disgust.

"Henry, you have to trust us." 

They continue on like this for a while but then I zoned back in when Henry was closer. My heart was pounding at like a million miles per hour as I wait.

"You have to choose now." Peter says as he looks at the hour glass. "We're running out of time."

"We believe in you Henry." Oh here we go.
"Because we love you."
"More than anything."

"I love you too." Panic flashes over me as he says that. Is he going to not do it anymore?? "But I have to save magic." YES.

"No no no no."

"I'm sorry." They all scream no as Henry shoves his heart into Peter's chest. WE DID IT! A green flash comes out of Peter making a heavy breeze. I run out to him and pull him into a kiss he gladly returns. I turn around the see Henry's lifeless body on the ground as Peter wraps his hand around my waist and lifts us up.

All of Henry's family runs up to him as me and Peter smirk down.

"We did it." I laugh with relief.

"Yes we did, princess."

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