Training Day

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"Oh well, what comes eventually goes so I can't say I didn't expect this."


I had walked Devin back to camp and got him to lay down and take a nap. He did as I told and I walked out his tent and into my own.

The thoughts from earlier came back. Did I make the right decision to come back? I mean I've already made a friend which is great. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad as long as I avoided 'his highness'. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him. I walked over to the little table that had a mirror above it and looked into my reflection. My hair was full of leaves and it was a mess and I had huge bags under my eyes which made sense considering I haven't actually gotten sleep recently. I was up all night yet again chasing around that demon and now the sun was rising. I searched through drawers until I found a hairbrush and I sat in a chair to pick all the stuff out. Once I was done I changed my clothes again because they were muddy and ripped. This time I changed into a dress with a grey skirt and a blue corset.

The whole process took about an hour so by the time I was done the sun had risen and I could hear some of the boys come out of their tents

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The whole process took about an hour so by the time I was done the sun had risen and I could hear some of the boys come out of their tents. So I did the same. I walked out and greeted the ones I knew. I scanned the area for Devin but I didn't find him. I figured he was still asleep so I walked over to his tent and sure enough, he was still sleeping. I shook him till he woke up and he cursed at me for doing so.

"I told you I'd wake you up for breakfast," I said with a laugh. "Come on." I said as I exited the tent with him following behind me. He looked like a mess but so did everyone else. We walked over to the area with food and got some bread and fruit and sat on a log to eat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pan and I glanced over to him and then looked away quickly enough that he didn't see me. But then he walked over to where me and Devin were sitting. Devin looked up at him with fear in his eyes and pan gave him a 'leave now' look and he did so. Pan took his spot in front of me.

"Yes?" I really didn't want to talk to him but I don't think I have a choice right now.

"I told you today you would start your training." He reminded me.

"Oh yes but you see, that was when we were on good terms. And after last night I don't want to be anywhere near you or your arrows." I replied to him looking back down at my food.

"You 'beat me' by pure luck last night. Wouldn't you like to learn how to actually control it and use your powers whenever you want?" I glanced back up at him. That didn't sound half bad, to be honest.

"And how do I know I can trust you?" I questioned back. I was just curious about what his answer would be.

"You don't. Just take a leap of faith." He smirked and stood up. He offered his hand to me and yet again I pushed it away and stood up by myself.

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