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Pre-Curse (Bae in Neverland)

"I could tell that that one girl ruled over his life."


I walk through the forest once more to find a place to create a portal back home. But before I opened one, I slumped against a tree. The fucking apprentice dude got into my head. Peter wouldn't lie... right? Especially to me. Who was this Wendy girl and why didn't Peter tell me about her? Did she and him... no. Maybe? God, I don't know. I placed my head in my knees and brought my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around them. 

It was beginning to get dark here and I had no idea how long I had been gone from Neverland in their time. What if they were worrying. But then again probably not. 

Am I just a huge joke to Peter and the boys? Like an inside joke that i don't realize but behind my back their all laughing about me and talking about how stupid I look. And how I don't even belong there. For the first time in, well years in Neverland, a tear fell down my cheek. I looked up at the night sky and saw the stars. i forgot how different they were from neverlands. I kept looking and saw the two stars.

Second star to the right and straight on till morning.

The line repeating in my head. It brought a sense of comfort to me that I could see that Neverland hadn't blown up without me. I thought about Neverland and my adventures there.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. That's Dreamshade. It's a deadly poison and it will kill you. The worst poison on the island."
"Now listen here. I don't have to answer to you. This is my island and I can kill you in two seconds if I wanted."
"Oh drop the attitude princess. We have something for you."

I heard his voice in my head as some of the memories came back. I looked down at my cloak and smiled

"If your going to be apart of us, you're going to have to look like us."

I started to remember just how much I had missed Neverland. All the thoughts from before that the apprentice had put in my head was all fake. Peter did care and so did the boys. I needed to go back. I needed to see them.

I needed to go home.

I wiped the tears away and stood up to create a portal that most people can't do unless they have a magical object. I jumped through the bright portal and when I landed again I was on the sandy shores of Neverland.

I didn't waste anytime. I got up and sprinted into the woods.

"Peter!" I cried out hoping someone could hear me. No one responded but I didn't stop running in the direction of the camp. As I got closer I could hear music. Pete'sr pipe. My smile grew as I continued running. "Peter I'm back!"


(Remember that there's a huge difference in time between the two realms)

Peter had let me out of the cage a couple months ago and apologized for throwing me in there in the first place. I accepted it but still didn't trust him completely. He said we were going to have a celebration and I had to attend because they were fun. I don't know where that Sam girl went but she's been gone a really long time. It was like a year I haven't seen her. I tried to ask Peter about it and all he said was "She's fine. We have to believe she'll be back". He looked a little stressed but he never told me why. He would escape more and more into the woods as the days went on. I wanted to follow him to see where he was going but I never did in fear that he might hurt me.

Everyone had crazy costumes and masks on except me. I didn't feel like joining in. I remember the first time I met Peter and I had danced to this music and gotten in costume. It was really fun but I just wasn't in the mood.

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