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Fifth Season

"Would you like to hear another prophecy, Sam?"


"Come on can I see you now?" I hear Henry knock at the door startling me. I wiped my eyes and ran my hand under my nose to make it look like I wasn't crying. I looked in the mirror one more time. I looked decent for once.

"No you cannot." I laughed as I approached the locked door he was waiting behind. "Go find the rest of your family. You'll see me at the ball you idiot." I say making him groan in frustration. I heard retreating footsteps and I slowly cracked open the door. Checking to make sure he was gone, I stepped out of the door to be greeted by two guards. They took me to where we were waiting to be introduced.

Camelot was very formal about this whole thing. They made it clear that everyone was to go in a specific order. I was going to be the last to come out after Regina. After she went in it was my turn.

I walked to the top of the stairs as they introduced me.

"Introducing, Samantha Jones." The guard said formerly as some claps came from the crowd. I raised my head tall and walked down the stairs, my dress trailing behind me as I walked. When I reached the bottom Henry came up to me.

"You look," He paused breathing in sharply. "beautiful." I smiled and punched his shoulder lightly.

"Shut up." I giggled as the two of us walked over to the side of the room and just stood there. We didn't know what to do. He had never been to a ball and had no idea how to dance. 

He was staring off into space as I finally decided to ask him to dance. 

"Hen-" I was cut off by Charmings voice as he comes over to the two of us.

"You know you could just walk over there and introduce yourself." I looked over to where Henry was staring once more and this time I saw something. Well, someone. I hadn't noticed it before but he was staring at a girl. My heart dropped for some reason. I wasn't jealous it's just... I don't know.

"That's your strategy Gramps? Introduce yourself?" Henry asks in sarcastically.

"Think about it. You're from another land. You're mysterious, intriguing." Charming confirms as he grabs two glasses from a tray nearby. "Use it." He says as he hands the two glasses to him.

Henry takes them and smiles at me before walking over to her. Charming looks at me and chuckles making me weakly chuckle back before he walked away too. Now I was standing alone in the middle of a ballroom. I leaned against the railing and observed everyone until I saw someone coming towards me. I squinted my eyes making sure it was me he was coming too and sure enough, they were.

As they approached I could get a closer look. He looked to be around my age and he had black messy hair and steel grey eyes. His face was very defined and on his cheeks were light freckles. He was quite a few inches taller than me and honestly, he wasn't bad looking.

"Why hello." He said as he approached me and grabbed my hand giving it a kiss on top of it. I pushed myself off the railing and stuttered before talking again.

"H-hey." I said in shock.

"Care to dance?" He asked as he looked me dead in the eyes.

"Oh, I don't really-" I looked at Henry then back at the boy. "dance." I whispered the last word.

"Oh, come on." He pulled my hand towards the dance floor and I didn't struggle. He spun me around before stopping me and put his hand on the small of my back and the other one in my right hand. I placed my hand across his shoulder and the two of us started to dance together. 

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