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Return to Neverland

"My dream wouldn't be complete without you in it."


We landed back at the camp and our smiles fade as he unwraps his arm from my waist.

"Where are the boys?" I question as I look around the deserted camp for any sign of them. "Peter where are they?" I raise my voice a little more and he looks panicked as well.

"Well, they're not here. Come we need to go to the thinking tree." Peter urges as he interlaces our fingers and pulls me through the woods. Soon this will be all over and Peter and I can live for eternity together. I smile at the thought as we slow our pace. 

"Here put this on that rock. I need to set up a trap for our guests." I knew what he meant. The three girls were going to come back for Peter to get his heart. I took Pandora's box and places it on the stone place then hid behind some shrubbery. Peter did as well but he was on the opposite side of the rock from me. 

Finally the guests arrive and immediately M goes for the box.

"Careful," Regina warns. "Pan and that traitor wouldn't have left that behind for no reason." 

"It's David's only way home. Without Gold, we're stuck here." She reaches for it one last time before the magic from the tree starts working.

I come out from where I was hiding and so did Peter.

"Are you still at it?" He scoffs. "Don't you know? Peter Pan never fails." He picks up Bae's old sword that Emma was carrying it around and messes around with it. "I didn't expect you to find me but then again I shouldn't be surprised. You're mothers. Quite tenacious about your offspring. Believe it or not I understand that." I walk over closer to Peter as Regina follows me with rage in her eyes. 

"But if you're looking to see Henry again, I have to tell you," I start with fake sorrow on my face. "There's only one place you'll be reunited... In death." Regina lunges forward trying to break free at the threat, her eyes still fiery.

"Having trouble moving? Not surprised, given where you are." Peter taunts making me laugh a little. "You see, what's hastening your demise is your regret."

"What are you talking about?" Emma says annoyed.

"This tree is the site of a very important event for me. I abandoned my boy here." He looks up the tree and replays the memory in his head.

"You have a son?" Regina snaps in dismay.

"I'm older than I look."

"Is it yours?" M asks concerned and I laugh at her.

"Oh god no."

"If you have a child you must regret losing him, too." Emma cuts in completely oblivious. If he abandoned him that means he didn't want him.

"But I don't. Quite the opposite actually." He walks over to Pandora's box and picks it up. "See, I have him all boxed up. So I don't lose him again."

"Rumplestiltskin is your son?" Regina scoffs at the news. Her and Rumple were close so she was surprised he never told her.

"That he is." Peter whispers.

"How is that possible? You're-" M starts before being cut in by Peter.

"Younger than him? Not really. Just like you and your daughter." Peter continues. 

"You're a fraud." Regina snarled at Peter. Oh, no, he's more powerful than you so I'd be careful. "Your magic is weakened. You can't even hurt us." No but I can. "Let alone Rumplestiltskin."

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