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"My life has been absolute hell and I'm sick of it."

Sami POV

"Liam! Liam!" I hear Killian yell as he attempts to wake him up. When he doesn't wake up he comes over to me and does the same thing. 

"Sami! Sami!" he yells as he shakes me, successfully waking me up. 

"What.," I mumble as I rub my eyes and sit up in my bed as the ship softly rocks side to side. 

"Fathers gone!" he says in a panicked tone. Suddenly the door bursts open and an old man steps inside. My eyes shoot open in fear as Killian slowly backs away from the door. He pushes me behind him protectively not letting me out of sight. 

"Are ya lookin' for your father? Look out there. He rowed away an hour ago." Killian is trying to be the brave older brother that he is but, I can tell he was terrified. 

"Rowed away? Why?" Killian asks. 

"Your father ain't what you think." The old man says while pushing Killian to sit down. I moved away from the two of them slowly and sat in the corner in fear. 

"He's a thief. A fugitive of the law. He heard there were soldiers waiting at the next port. So he bought my old rowboat and left." The old scary man says in some weird accent. I don't understand anything that's going on. My little mind is racing not understanding the big words the old man says. 

"Why would he leave us?" Killian yells back. 

"How do you think he paid for the boat? He traded you, your brother, and sister into my service." Wait so father left? Tears start streaming down my face because of fear of what comes next. Killian looks back at my scared and teary face and says, 

"No! No, he wouldn't do that!" I bring my knees to my chest and bury my head in them trying to block out the yelling around me. 

"Now you know what kind of man your father really is."  The old man stomps away. Killian turns back to me and Liam and looks scared but he's trying to be brave. Brave for me. He walks over to where I'm sitting and he wraps his arms around me. He tells me it will all be ok. And for the moment I believe it. 

I jerk awake from the memory, still out of breath from running.

"Damnit" I mumble to myself as I stand up quickly to move again. I can't stay in the same place for too long or the town will... well I don't want to stick around to find out. These past couple of months have been horrible. The town has completely turned against me and I have no idea why. One day Mr. Oliver is giving me free apples and bread so I don't starve and the next he's chasing me away into the woods with the townspeople rallied behind him with torches. No ones told me why they've 'banished'  me but whenever I'm passing through town, I catch a couple of conversations.

'She's gonna be just like her brother!'
'Filthy Pirate.'
'She can't be trusted!'
'She's got pirate in her blood. What a disgrace.'

None of those made sense to me. What do my brothers have to do with pirates? All my brothers ever dreamed of was taking all three of us sailing on the great ocean. Going on adventures together and escaping the world we have been mistreated in. I haven't even seen my brothers in years ever since...

I stop myself from having to remember the painful memory. My life has been absolute hell and I'm so sick of it. I just want a break for once. Just one good day is all I ask. but I haven't had one of those since I was very very young. And ever since everything happened I started to overthink. I'll get into my own head for stupid reasons or my mind will trail off and start thinking about something totally unrelated. I typically zone out and stare off into space and sometimes I won't snap back for hours. But, for some reason, the nightmare I had was really messing with my head. I mean yeah it always sucks to be reminded of what happened but typically I can just shake it off and pretend it doesn't actually bother me. But with this one somethings different because I can't stop thinking about it. Thinking about my father, the stories of how my mother died, and wondering what happened to my brothers. My big brothers still on that ship. Probably being starved. Maybe even worse. What if they're dead? What if...

I quickly catch myself and snap out of it to try to focus on other things. Like magic and rainbows! 

It didn't work. 

I walked through the woods getting hit with leaves and branches along the way. My long dress was getting stuck on branches which tore at my dress. My brown skirt was filled with holes and mud but I really didn't care too much. My shoes started to squeeze my feet after a while and I decided I should probably rest. I lean against a tree and escape into thought.

I thought about how nice the ship with my brothers and father were in the mere beginning of my life, the nice bed, and shelter from the storms. Being able to be protected by your brothers who now we're gone, and never coming back. At least from what it seemed like.

I miss them so much it's insane. And the funny part is I was so young, I don't remember much of when my father left. Killian tried for hours trying to calm me down before being sent to work on the cursed ship. God, I was so young. And just the smallest remembrance of that ship made me sick. I hated it there. It always smelled like fish and work was never done. At least then I had my brothers to get me through. Now I have no one, nothing. I was completely and utterly lost.

I mean, my town hates me so I can't get any shelter or food anymore. I'm starving, cold, alone. I can't even imagine what happened to my brothers after I-

I stopped myself not wanting to re-live the pain once again. I needed sleep and so for the first time in a while, I closed my eyes and drifted right off to sleep.

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