Losing Another

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First Curse

"My breathing becomes uneven as I fall into a panic attack."


"NO, LET ME THROUGH YOU BITCH!" I yell at one of the assistants at the hospital. They were trying to restrain me so I couldn't get into the room that held Henry. They were only letting family get through which I thought was absolute bullshit. He's all I have, he's basically family to me.

Henry was tied up with machines and people surrounding him. The sight brought tears to my eyes as I was going insane. Inhuman yells escaped from me as people held their ears. Lights started to flicker seemingly at the sound which I found odd. I was going hysterical at the view of my best friend on the table. Unconscious. 

The assistant was holding me back, my arms behind me as I tugged and pulled trying to get away so i could get to Henry. I finally threw my leg behind me, knocking the woman off her feet making her realease me. I sprinted through the doors and saw Emma by a bed across from Henry's and dumping all his stuff out from it.

I ran over to where he laid and placed my hand on his forehead, hot tears streaming down my face and landing on his shirt. 

"Please come back-" Multiple hands were grabbing at me trying to pull me away. "NO" I was screaming as arms wrapped around my waist making my legs fly in the air as I kicked around trying to get free but this person was stronger. They carried me over to where Emma was.

Once they set me down I decided to check on Emma instead of continuing to fight.

"Like magic..." She whispers quietly as she grabs a hold of the book. Something strange came over her because she gasped and froze.

"Emma?" I question but she never looks at me. She keeps her gaze forward and spoon enough I hear Regina's worried voice.

"Where's my son?" She always made it clear that Henry was 'her son'. That's the only title he ever got from her. Not any kind of cute nickname just 'her son'. She pissed me off.

"You did this." Emma narrows her eyes as she scowls the words. She whips around and grabs Regina by the arm and pulls her into the supplies closet. I follow close behind, my blood boiling.

Regina gets thrown against a shelf making it collapse.

"YOU DID THIS." Emma yells at the scared woman.

"What the hell are you doing?" She screams as I grab ahold of her and throw her against a metal cabinet.

"STOP THIS! MY SON-" She pleads as Emma now has her trapped.

"IS SICKS BECAUSE OF YOU!" Emma's voice is something like I've never heard before. It sounds like what I think a monster would sound like. "THAT APPLE TURNOVER YOU GAVE ME? HE ATE IT." She continues to yell at the now helpless woman as I stand and watch.

"What?" Regina breaths out as she looks at me and then back at Emma's furious eyes. "It was meant for you!" She confesses. I knew it! It was poison. She is the Evil Queen.

"It's true isn't it?" I bud in stepping closer to the two.

"What are you talking about?" Regina looks at me disgusted. She always treated me like some stupid child that knew nothing. She and Gold hated my guts for no reason at all. At least none they were telling me.

"It's true isn't it!" I say raising my voice higher. "All of it." I breathe out the last part before Regina bangs her head against the cabinet behind her in surrender.

"Yes." Her voice breaks as she looks back at Emma.

"I was leaving town. Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Emma pleads for answers trying to make sense of what she had just found out.

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