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Return to Neverland

"Not because he talked to me again but a spark lit in my heart that hadn't been lit in close to thirty years and it scared me. 


"Now where were you?" I snap at Sam as she comes through the woods after randomly vanishing. "You gave me a heart attack." I informed her but she seemed unbothered by my worry. She just disappeared while we were looking over the cliff down to the forest. We all went to set up camp because I knew she would come back eventually. She needed time to see her old home again but after she was gone for more than an hour I thought Pan might have gotten her.

"Nowhere." She mumbled as she brust passed me to make a bed for her to sleep on. She waved her hand and different materials swarmed around a singular spot before it settled, revealing a nice bed. I walked over to her and sat down next to her knowing it wasn't 'nowhere'.

"Don't lie to me Junior." She shoots her head up and it feels like she was glaring into my soul.

"I'm not lying. Why do you even care?" She snapped and stood up catching the attention of the rest of the group. "Last time I was here you decided to spent all your days on the sea knowing I was here. Not ONCE checking up on me." I sat there in shock that she would just say that. "Whatever, it doesn't matter." She storms back out of the camp again and into the woods. I stood up to go follow her but Mary Margaret sits me back down.

"I should go talk to her." She then followed Sam out of the camp.


I chased after Sam through the thick greenery that surrounded the island. I was only tracking her by sound.

"Sam!" I called out trying to get her to stop and that's what she does.

"What?" She whispers as I catch up to her.

"I- We were just worried. You ran off earlier and we just wanted to make sure you were ok." I told her as I placed a hand on her shoulder to sooth her. We were really close. I've known her for as long as my cursed self can remember and I adopted her.

"Yeah, like you guys care." She shrugs off my hand and steps forward again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I cross my arms at her new found attitude. "We're only trying to help."

"No, what you're doing is trying to keep me under control. You know that I'm back in my territory and you guys are afraid I might revert to my old ways." I furrow my eyebrows in sadness. Does she really think we don't care?

"Oh, Sam. We care about you so we were just worried. Nobody knows what's out here. We didn't want you getting hurt." She scoffs as he eyes well up in tears.

"No you don't. Cursed you might have, but new you? No." I open my mouth to try and calm her down but she cuts me off again. "When the curse broke I saw the fear in your eyes. You know I could never hurt you but you still didn't trust me. After all those years." She chokes out. Silence fills the air as I look at her with soft eyes.

"We do trust you. We wouldn't have brought you here if we didn't" I reassure her. She stomps over to me and for a second I thought she was going to hurt me but instead she gives me a hug. Without saying a word she turns back and walks back to camp wiping away her tears. I follow her feeling sorry for her. She was trying to change and she couldn't do that if we didn't trust her.

When we get back doesn't speak to anyone and ignores everyone's stares. She was acting strange and I wanted to know why but if there's one thing I know. You don't push a villain.


I got back to the camp and I could tell everyone had stopped talking when I walked in. I ignored them and walked over to the bed I made. M still thought of me as a villain and it kind of hurt. I mean I know i'm not the best hero but at least I haven't killed someone in almost 30 years. 

I was upset after my encounter with Peter. Not because he talked to me again but a spark lit in my heart that hadn't been lit in close to thirty years and it scared me. I kept trying to tell myself he betrayed me so he can't be trusted. He hurt me! And he lied and he's- he's well a demon.

Everyone laid down to get some rest. I tossed and turned in my bed because I couldn't stop thinking. Then I heard someone shuffle in their bed. I looked over and saw Emma getting up and walking into the woods. What an idiot. Peter's going to be waiting for her and that never ends well. Especially with his games.


Light broke and as I guessed Emma had an encounter with Peter. He gave her a map. Well a blank one and told her that Henry's location would only show itself when she stopped denying who she really was. I could've saved the group a lot of time because I knew exactly where the camp was. I don't know why my gut was telling me to not tell them. I mean we could've gotten to Henry already and gotten back home by now.

Regina said she could use a location spell to find it but Emma disagreed which was smart. If Peter wanted her to figure this out, that's what she was going to need to do.

After hours of just sitting there trying to figure out what Emma needed to say, Regina just snatched the paper.

"I'm beginning to think there isn't a map on here. That doesn't mean it can't lead us to Henry." She flicks the paper as she holds it out in front of her to examine it.

"I thought we decided that using magic was a bad idea." Charming responds to the idea.

"Yeah, we did." I snarl at Regina but she just looks at me snarkily and continues what she's doing.

"For once I agree with the prince." Killian buds in as well and Charming just gives him a weird look. "Well, I told you we're getting along."

Regina and Emma start whispering and then the paper glows a gold color and starts floating.

"So, it appears we will be venturing into the dark jungle after all." Killian says again. It's really not that bad in there especially since they have me.

"You mean the place you told us to never set foot?"

"That's the one." Killian says cheerfully trying to be sarcastic.

"Well, Emma, you said you wanted to be the leader. Lead." Yeah well that would be great and all but they're forgetting one thing. No one tells me what to do. Especially not by some girl who claims to be special.

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