Heart Broken

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Fifth Season

"Heartbreak is when you lose the ONE THING that holds you together. The ONE THING that could heal anything that was hurting."


"Then it is time. To destroy the darkness once and for all." Merlin stated calmly as he reached down and opened the box with the eternal flame in it. I mocked the words in my head making me chuckle a little. 'destroy the darkness' I'm a hero I must save the day. I mocked in a baby voice in my head.

"Now is not the time to be laughing," M said from behind me. I looked at her in shock. The hell was she doing? When I turned she gave me a stare which she had never given me before. It was cruel, what the hell?

Emma took the flame and started to shape it. She then grabbed the swords and started to push them into the fire. I heard Killian mumble something but I dismissed it. Then M screamed, "He's bleeding!" I whipped my head around to see him sumble and start to fall. I pushed past whoever was infront of me and slid next to Killian. I started to touch his face. Not this again.

"No. When did this happen?" I questioned to anyone who would give an answer to me.

"It was excalibur but it was just a small cut, I healed it." Emma stressed from where she was standing behind me. I groaned at her stupitdy. 

"It only seemed that way. Excalibur was forged to cut immortal ties. A wound from it cannot be healed." I almost screamed at her. I recited the information from when Peter taught me about it on Neverland. I smiled at the memory but shook my head to bring me back to the problem at hand.

"What there has to be something we can do, that she can do!" I hear M yell as she points to me. 

"Even Sam's power isn't strong enough, at least not right now, she's too weak. But neither is my own." Merlin corrected. I felt useless. Typically I could heal stuff like this but the past year or so without Peter has been hard. I'm still grieving. I'm still broken.

"Killian, you have to hold on. I can't lose you." I say still hovering over his almost lifeless body.

"It's all right. Junior it's all right." He sucks in a sharp breath making me flinch and stand up, hoping I didn't hurt him. As quickly as I did, Emma flung herself into the spot I once was. Henry came up to me and let me bury my head in his chest. I couldn't look at him in this state but there has to be some way to save him. Right?

Killian and Emma exchange some words before she sharply says, 'no'.

"I'm not gonna let him die when I know there's a way to save him." Henry releases his arms around me and let's me walk over to the group. He needed to die a hero. I was ready to make peace with that. I just needed to say goodbye.

Regina tries to tell Emma there's no way to save him but she refuses to listen.

"That's what he said, but it's not true is it?" Emma faces Merlin after Regina says even Merlin said there's no way to save him. "You told me how powerful I am. Let's use that power. I-I can use the promethean flame to release you from excalibur, and then I can use it to whether Hook's life to it instead. I could save him." No this was a terrible idea. If killian even steps a hair back into the darkness, he's gone forever.

"Emma, you know what that could do." Merlin warns her.

"Create another dark one..." I mumble at the words.

"It will multiply the darkness so that it cannot be destroyed. Not without you paying the steepest of prices. It will be your final step into the dark." All this Merlin was saying should've been enough for Emma to not do it.

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