Magic Arrived

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Season 2

"Silence fell upon the group not expecting to be reminded of the wrong things they did in their past"


The purple smoke cleared and the feeling of magic was now pulsating through my bones. I breathed in the new air and let out a deep breath. I lived for this feeling and oh how I missed it. It was a long 28 years without it. I did, however, have to warp the laws of magic here because it was different from the forest of Neverland. It was fairly easy to do. I didn't change it for anyone else though because why would I need too. It would come back to them in time.

I figured out what I was going to do about, well me. I just figured hiding would be pointless. I didn't want anyone to fear me but that wouldn't be a new feeling. 

The thoughts of Neverland and Peter kept returning but I kept pushing down the feelings time and time again. It was too painful to think about it. I hated Peter Pan so much but it was a different kind of hatred. I couldn't explain it even if I tried. I was breaking on the inside but I pretended to be fine. Thoughts of Killian returned as well. Was here too? 

The thought crossed my mind but it wouldn't make sense. His ship was the fastest in all the realms so he was long gone when the curse hit meaning he escaped it. I was relieved but at the same time upset that Killian couldn't be here to help me. He was the only person who could understand me besides Henry. I didn't know if Henry would be able to accept me anymore but fuck it. 

I twisted my ring on my index finger nervously and walked out of the alleyway to find the people who, in my previous life, cared for me. It didn't take long since they were all giving each other hugs and stuff. Henry saw me and yelled my name.

"Aura!" He yelled as he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed before pushing him softly away from me. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes as everyone else stopped talking to see the scene unfold.

"That's not my name..." I said quietly giving him an 'i'm sorry' look.

"Oh right. The curse is broken. So who were you?" He asked excitedly. I didn't want to let him down but I wasn't gonna lie. 

"We were right. I am the Queen of Neverland." I paused to breath again. "I am the lost girl." He didn't seem to be scared. I don't think he understands how horrible I am. I looked around at the people behind him. Their expressions were much different from Henry's. They were scared of me. The stories that have been told about me are all true. Whispers erupted and M's face broke my heart. I had lived with her throughout most of the curse and we trusted each other with out lives. I mean, sure, she couldn't understand me much but she trusted me, and right now her face said another story.

Ruby walked up behind Henry, "Henry come over here." She whispered hoping I wouldn't hear it. She grabbed his shoulders and turned him away from me before he pushed her away to stand by me again.

"No! Just because she's evil doesn't mean she'll hurt us." Henry states clearly making me smile.

"Henry she's the most dangerous being to ever exist." David said with a snarl glaring at me which I gladly returned. The two of us never got along but we pretended we did. 

"You don't understand." Henry pushed on. "When no one believed me she did. She stuck by me when things got hard. She wasn't afraid to protect me and I'm not afraid to protect her." He yelled at the group. "Treat her like a normal human being. She hasn't done anything to deserve how you guys are treating her right now."

"But Henry, she burned down villages, killed innocents, and took everything from some just because she wanted to." David said again trying to prove his point. He wasn't wrong but neither was Henry. I hadn't hurt anyone. Well I haven't hurt anyone yet.

"Well so did my mom but she's still my family. And Mary Margaret, you stole things from people, and David you told everyone you were a prince instead of a shepard, Ruby you killed your boyfriend, and Granny you lied to Ruby about who she was. See we all have thinks that suck about us but it doesn't make us any less human." Henry did not stutter once as he spoke. Silence fell upon the group not expecting to be reminded of the wrong things they did in their past and that was what is wrong with heroes. They think they don't make mistakes and call people, like me, villains without much second thought. There is so much more to me than that. I didn't just start killing people for the fun of it. I was driven too because just like them I have a past. A past that still hurts.

Suddenly yells fill the street catching the attention of the group.

"There you are." Hopper pants after running over to us. "Come with me I need your help. Dr. Whale's whipped everyone into a frenzy. They're going to Regina's house. They're gonna kill her." He pleads while holding his black umbrella.

"Great let's watch." One of the dwarves, who's name I don't care to know, says. I chuckle a little bit at his bloodlust recieving me and elbow to the rib from Henry.

"No. No. We cannot stoop to her level." The therapist reminds us. I roll my eyes at the formality of the good guys. I've never been on this side of a fight before and I'd much rather watch than stick with these judgmental hoes. "No matter who she is or what she's done, killing her is wrong." Wow these people need to listen to this guy.

"He's right. Please. She's still my mom." Henry was still my best friend here so I agreed to help just for him. Emma looks at him with sadness in her eyes.

"We have to stop them." Emma tells M as she turns to her.

"If the blue fairy is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back. They could be marching into a slaughter." David reminds the group.

"She doesn't" I mumble under my breath so no one else hears. Then all of a sudden everyone starts running. 

I groan before throwing my head back in frustration. I run after the group. These people need to work on their entrances instead of running to the person. Where's the flavor in that?

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