Piece by piece

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"It will all be ok. I promise."


I had turned and bolted into the woods. Everything that has happened since I got here was all staged. It was all fake. They didn't even want me here. No one wants me anywhere. I'm not important to anyone. My eyes stung with tears and I was running. It was dark and I had no idea where I was going but I didn't care. I was getting away from here once and for all. And no one not even Peter can stop me. 

I heard Peter catching up to me as I was slowing down. I was out of breath and my legs ached but I refused to stop. I was breaking apart.

Piece by piece.

I got to a point where my body felt like exploding and it stopped running but I wanted to keep going. I wanted to get away but my body couldn't handle how fast I was running. I was weak in both ways. I rested my body against a tree for support as Peter caught up to me. I was out of breath and sweaty from all the running. I closed my eyes knowing I just lost.

"Princess it's not what it sounded li-" I heard Pans voice say and I snap my eyes open.

"Stop the bullshit" I interrupted with a heavy sigh. "Tell me the truth." I continued opening my eyes again. He glared at me for a second determining whether or not he should actually tell me.

"Oh and don't bother lying to me again" I finished.

"You know what you want the truth? Fine" He snapped at me with his voiced raised. "I was going to use you to hurt your brother." I honestly didn't expect him to be that straight up with me. I thought he was going to start selling me more bullshit but I believed him this time. I looked at him in disgust.

"Happy now princess?" He retorted. Anger was bubbling up inside of me and I just wanted to kill him.

"Happy?" I yelled at him while stepping away from the tree that was bracing me and walking closer to him.

"You are trying to get me to destroy my brother's LIFE" I continued as a look of amusement spread on his face. "In case you didn't know me and my brother have been through hell and back. My mother died right after I was born, then my father left me and my brother's to work on a bloody cargo ship, and then I was ripped away from my brother's arms. I never even got to see Liam after that because he's also DEAD." Hot tears streamed down my face at the thought of what has happened. I mean I knew my life sucked but hearing all the events like that... It was killing me. 

A smirk formed on Pans lips and I threw my arms up in aggravation.

"What is so funny? Hmm??" I yelled through the tears. His smirk transformed into a fake frown.

"I'm so sowwy pwincess." He said while making puppy dog eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows at his comment then I did something. I didn't even realize until after. My hand had raised up to his face and slapped him across the cheek. He raised his hand to carres his face where I had hit him. He did a magic thingie and made the appearing bruise disappear.

"Don't mock me" I scowled at him.

"You know" He chuckled a little. "I wasn't going to tell you this just to spare you're feelings out of kindness but, considering how you are treating me" I opened my mouth to interfere with his words of "wisdom" but he placed a hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"No it's my turn to talk princess." He said angily. Then he leaned down and put his lips close to my ear and whispered, "I killed Liam." He let his hand drop from my mouth down to his side as he stepped away slowly, proud of himself.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now