New Kid

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"Correction. My lost girl."


This makes no sense whatsoever. Literally the deadliest poison on the island, that can kill anyone even the dark one, and she's immune to it. She didn't even know it either.

"Wait but I thought you said this was the deadliest poison." She asked clearly a little frightened.

"I did. And now you see why I'm confused." I snapped back at her. She just rolls her eyes in response. "Come with me," I say as something hit's me. I start walking and she follows me. I realize we're in the middle of a game, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is more important. 

We finally come across a tree and I stop.

"Why are we at a tree?" Her voice is laced with annoyance.

"This is the tree I abandoned my son," I said blatantly.  Her mouth falls open as she looks for words to say.

"You have a son?" She half yells.

"Yeah, I do." It's really not that big of a deal. I never loved him anyway.

"But you're literally like 16." She says obviously trying to call BS on the story.

"No. I look 16." I correct. "Looks can be deceiving." I wink at her as I wave my hand over the tree to reveal a door and we step in. As we do the room doubles in size and she looks around impressed.

"Well welcome to the thinking tree," I say trying to change the subject.

It worked.

"Is this where you disappear to all the time?" She questions with a laugh.

"Ehh more or less." I shrug off the question and I head over to a desk filled with parchment, leaving Sam to look around. I rummaged through the pages trying to find any kind of explanation for her immunity. 

"Hey what's this?" I hear Sam question and I look up and see her holding 'Peter Pan' the straw doll.

"That's Peter Pan," I say looking back down at the sheets not bothering to clarify.

"You named your own doll after you?" She scoffed. "You do have some ego don't ya."

"I didn't name it." I continue and I see out of the corner of my eye confusion spreading across her face.

"Well, then who did." She pushed. She was obviously curious.

"My son. You might know him as the dark one." I said finally looking up at her and a smile crept across her face.

"What next? Is your father a fairy or something." She laughed.

"Ohh so you think I'm funny." I joined in her laughs a little. "Well, I'm not lying."

"This is awkward." She mumbles. I glance at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What is?"

"Well see the dark- your son," She corrected. "Kind of killed my brother's girlfriend or something."

"Oh yeah, I'm aware. That's the reason he works for me now." I tell her. "Well, that and so that I won't harm you." Fear filled her eyes. "Oh come on, not like I ever would anyway. It's just fun." The fear is replaced with relief as she sits down in a chair allowing me to continue.

When I found nothing I just decided that what I was searching for was pointless anyway. It wouldn't matter at all just now we know that she's stronger than Dreamshade.

"Find anything?" She questions.

"Nope," I respond. "It's fine it wouldn't have helped much anyway." She nods her head in agreement and get's up.


(The next day)

I yawn as I stand up to get ready for the day. I throw on a dress with my cloak over top it but then I decide it's too hot today for that so I take off the cloak once more and place it on my bed.

 I throw on a dress with my cloak over top it but then I decide it's too hot today for that so I take off the cloak once more and place it on my bed

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I walk out to the crowded camp and notice Peter take a double take. My cheeks flush red as I walk over to him. I notice him talking to someone I hadn't ever seen before. I didn't pay to much attention to them since I hadn't met everyone yet.

"Hey princess." Peter greets as he turns away from the boy who just stands their awkwardly as the two of us talk. "What's the occasion?" He looks me up and down referring to my dress.

"Why not?" I laugh a little bit as the guy who once was standing awkwardly now had a smirk on his face.

"Peter I thought you said girls don't come here?" The boy asked stepping closer to the two of us.

"Oh yeah, accept for her. She's our lost girl." Peter smirks as the rest of the boys agree with cheers and stuff.

"Well I'm not complaining," The boys says as he approaches closer to me. "My tents over there. Feel free to come by anytime." He winks at me as he also points to one of the previously empty tents. So he's a new boy, makes sense. I look over at Peter giving a 'help me' look but when he doesn't do anything I just look down to the ground. The new boy reaches for one of the straps of my dresses and tries to tug it down but I shove off his hand before he could. I turn and start to walk away disgusted but before I could, I felt someone grab the back of my neck. Before I could say anything the person turned me around and slamed my lips against theirs. I open my eyes to see who it was but when I notice it's Peter I do something unexpected. I close my eyes again and kiss back. The whole camp fell silent just watching the two of us.

When we part our foreheads are placed together and Peter says, "Correction. My lost girl." huskily before letting go of my neck and walking into the woods leaving me completely shocked. I keep my eyes straight ahead of me where Peter once was. I glance over to where the new boy was and his jaw was to the ground, now embarrassed of what he had said early.

All the boys looked at me and I looked at them and just shrugged my shoulders. What the fawk just happened.

I swear I don't move for an hour but it was more like a minute. I decide to just walk into the woods as well trying to decide if I wanna look for Peter or not.

The thoughts of what just happened were filling my head as I walked. My feet were bare as I had given up on wearing shoes. I'm not going to lie, that kiss was amazing. The feeling of where Peter had his hand on the back of my neck still lingered. I had no idea what that kiss meant or anything. I was utterly confused.

I walked to Peter's thinking tree hoping he was there but he wasn't. I checked the places I knew that he could be but I just couldn't find him meaning that he didn't want to be found. I could teleport to him but I thought he might need some space after the stunt he just pulled. I smiled at the memory as I headed back to camp for the day. He can't ignore me forever.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now