Kings and Queens

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"If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart, ok?"


After Sam had left with the group to go find the boy, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was my Queen. Screw not having kings in Neverland. I had my Queen and I was her King. Finally, Neverland can be the most powerful it has ever been. Together we'll be unstoppable.

I did decide however to go find out why she could escape the poison and the cuff and all the things she definitely should not be able to escape. I know it was late but who needs sleep anyway? I walk over to Tinkerbelle's treehouse. She typically has all the answers about this stuff.

"Tink come down," I order up the ladder of the treehouse.

"Jeez, you boys can just not stay away can you." She teases as she climbs down the old wooden ladder.

"I need your help."

"Oh, and why should I help you." She retorts back to me.

"Because you know what I could do to you. I could kill you with the swipe of my hand. And besides, you need to be on my good side to even think about surviving here." I threatened her. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"Fine, what do you need." She says in defeat.

"You helped Felix attempt to poison Sam right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I vaguely remember that yes." She says with annoyance filling her voice.

"Why didn't any of that work then?"

"You really wanna know huh." I glare at her like it's obvious. Which I'm pretty sure it is anyway. "Fine. When I was a fairy there we tons of prophecies." She starts. I bring a rock over to where I was standing and sit down on it places my forearms on my thighs. "There was this one about a girl who was all-powerful and immortal. This girl can escape any potion and do any magic that she pleases anywhere she pleases. She can't be stopped and she can't be killed. By anything at all. Stronger than the dark one, stronger than the lightest and darkest fairies, even stronger than a god."

"And you believe this to be Sam?" I question in disbelief.

"I do. Especially since the prophecy states that she comes to Neverland and has an extended stay here." I smirk down at my feet.

"Thank you Tink," I say as I stand up to walk back to camp. When I do I noticed that Felix was already back meaning Sam was too. I wave to Felix and walk back into my treehouse at the camp.

The chances of having the most powerful person in any realm come to Neverland is close to zero but I'm not complaining. Not one bit.


I woke up to a loud commotion going on outside. I walk out of my tent to see what's going on. I see Peter yelling orders at Felix and the group of boys I went with a couple of days ago to find the boy.

"Oh, there you are princess," Peter says as he walks up to me. "I need you to go back tonight to Hooks ship. He's told us he doesn't have any want or need for the boy so he's handing him over." I smirk at the victory and agree to go. But We've got a while before we go. The days young so I say we have around eleven hours to kill.

Peter asks to take me to a place called deadman's peak. He says it's got the prettiest view of the island so I agree to go. Instead of walking he grabs my hand and lifts me off the ground along with him. We fly over to the tallest peak in Neverland and land. I walk over to the edge and look over. You could see both the ocean and the forest from one place. It was beautiful.

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