Henry's Writing

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"So, you're all authors now?"

We all crowded around the kitchen island as Henry showed his new writings. It wasn't about Hades. It was about me and Peter and that I was still meeting up with him. Only Henry knew about it until now. 

It was about the dance Peter and I had in the ballroom of the mansion. "Riveting tale." Killian sighed making me roll my eyes, slumping into the stool I was on. "Sam's been sneaking out to see the man who almost killed Henry. And me." I knew he wasn't happy but I didn't care. "Henry, I thought you were going to use your author powers to get us to defeat Hades. Not capture Sam and her boyfriend."

"I don't even remember writing this," Henry said a little pissed at him. "I just woke up and had it done."

Emma looked at him softly. "Okay." She started trying to calm him down. "It's really well written."

"Yes, and the illustrations are lovely." His other mother complimented. He didn't seem to care either. I wanted to laugh because of how he was acting. Must've rubbed off on him. 

"Maybe if you focus harder," Emma stated, staring at one of the beige pages. Wrong move.

Henry raised his eyebrows and stared at him. "Oh." He stared. I bit the inside of my cheeks so I didn't laugh. Killian gave me a sharp look. "So, you're all authors now? Everyone's a writer. Everyone's got an idea." The sarcasm radiated off of him and I pursed my lips together at the words. "I'm trying my best." He ended frustrated. He snatched the paper Emma was holding and collected the other sheets and turned to walk away.  But before he did he turned back to the group. "Maybe if you just laid off for a little bit." Then he was gone. 

It seemed to shut everyone up. "Henry, where are you going?" Regina asked.

"Upstairs." He snapped. I mean I thought that was pretty obvious. 

"Well, we officially have a teenager on our hands." Emma said leaning into the counter. I couldn't hold it in anymore as I let out a snicker. Killian hit the top of my head with his hand but not enough to hurt. 

I collected myself after a moment. "I'm sorry. But that kid is funny as hell." I laughed, hopping off the stool. 

"I blame you, kid," Regina says, taking a sip of her coffee. "He got that from you."

"I will gladly take responsibility for that," I responded taking my coat off the rack and opening the familiar door. 

Killian's voice stopped me before I left. "Now, where the bloody hell are you going?" 

"I thought Henry's writing was pretty clear." I started after clearing my throat. "Peters here. I'm going to see him." I didn't give him a chance to retaliate as I slammed the door behind me and started walking down the steps, holding my head tall.

I arrived at the mansion and Peter was outside, sitting on the stairs like he was waiting for me. "You didn't come home last night," Peter yelled when he caught glimpse of me.

"I know, I'm sorry," I yelled back. "But Henry needed me." He stood up from where he was and brushed himself off. His suit was still perfectly tailored and clean. 

"Figures." He said, coming down the rest of the stairs to meet me approaching. When I reached him he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Come on, princess." He gestured for the double doors that were open, letting the red air from the underworld seep in.

"I want to show you something." He said as we got into the main hallways of the mansion. He took the lead and lead me down the many hallways and up the main stairs. 

He slowed down when we came across a carved wooden door with a gold handle that curved at the end. He grasped the handle and pushed open the door, walking in. The room smelt like Neverland. The perfect mix of salt and the forest. It was completely empty except for the far wall. Something was hanging there with a sheet covering it. 

My eyebrows furrowed as we walked closer. Peter reached up, gripping the fabric before pulling the sheet down. Dust flew around as the calm air churned. Underneath it was a round mirror. The edges were wooden and it had vines hanging off of it. It was beautiful. 

"It's a magic mirror." Peter started, looking into it that only reflected himself at the moment. "I found it yesterday when I was looking around." Then he looked at me with a soft expression. "It only connects to one place. Neverland."

I smiled at him then at the mirror. "Well, get it to work," I said, now looking into it as well. Still only showing ourselves. He raised his hands and closed his eyes focusing. The image in the mirror shifted from us to patches of green and brown. It was a camp. A newer one, but a camp. 

I was a little confused as to why there was just a random mirror that connected to Neverland but I didn't question it. I smiled as I saw some of the boys that I knew back home. Some were new as well. 

"Is that Devin??" I asked as I saw a patch of hair that looked almost exactly like his. Peter leaned in to the screen to look closer at where I was pointing.

"I guess it is." He said as the boy turned around showing the green-eyed boy. "Look, there's nibs." He pointed to a smaller boy that was on a log. Rabbit fur slung over his shoulder. 

"There's Cassian." I laughed pointing to a boy that was fighting another one. Probably a new one. Peter laughed too but it faded and I knew what we were both thinking. We missed it. We missed our home.

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