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"And yeah I'll help you if it means I get to kill her."


I had gotten up early so I only got a little bit of sleep due to thoughts of the kiss that happened yesterday. It was hunting day and I always go on those now because I was really good at it. I got up and got dressed in my usual hunting clothes and headed out to meet the rest of the boys before we left.

 I got up and got dressed in my usual hunting clothes and headed out to meet the rest of the boys before we left

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I got to the group and greeted everyone. I grabbed an apple and we all started to split up into hunting groups like we normally do but before I could get placed in a team I heard a voice behind me.

"And where do you think your going princess." The god damn voice that gave me butterflies still spoke.

"I'm going hunting Peter," I tell him. "Like I normally do." I continue.

"Yeah well, not today." He told me. I whipped around annoyed.

"And why's that?" I snapped.

"Because we're training." He said making it sounds obvious. Suddenly I wasn't as upset anymore. I loved training so much. A smile spread across my face as I agreed. We walked down to our usual spot and began. 


I taught her a lot more today and she learning fast. Like damn. 

"Peter you're teaching me to do all this, yet there's nowhere for me to use it." Finally, she said it. She was ready to start doing some real damage and I already knew what it was going to be. I needed something and I was going to use her to help me get it.It was a kind of voodoo doll that I could use to control anyone I needed to. It was held by an old witch that went by the name of Aunt Circe in a little town in the enchanted forest. And ironically it was the town that wanted to kill Sam before she came here. Conriston.

"Well actually I need something and you could come with me if you want." As soon as the words left my mouth her face lit up.

"When do we leave?" She asks eagerly.

"Well right after I explain what needs to happen," I told her and she sat down on the grass where we were training and I sat down next to her. "So I need a voodoo doll from an old witch," I told her.

"That's awesome as hell." She laughed.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed. "But she's from your old town. Conriston." Her face filled with annoyance and rage.

"Yeah, I know her. And yeah I'll help you if it means I get to kill her." She challenged. The witch probably did something to her when she lived there.

"Deal," I smirked at her as I stood up and I offered my hand to her half expecting her to turn it down like she's done many times before. She looked down at my hand then back at me then she placed her hand in mine and I helped her stand. "Go get your cloak. I need to get something too so meet me at the fireplace when you're done." She nodded and ran off to her tent.


I ran off to my tent to grab my cloak. When I found it I threw it on over my dress. I looked in the mirror and smiled at my appearance before I left my tent. 

I walked over to the fireplace and sat on one of the logs to wait.

"You ready princess?" I heard Peter say from behind me. I got up and turned around and noticed Peter had put on a red patched cloak. Damnit why'd he look so good? I easily pushed the thoughts away for now.

"Yes, I am." I smiled and he turned to walk away. "But Peter?" He turned back around to face me and shot a questioning look. "How do we get to the forest?" He smirked before answering.

"Follow me." And so I did.

We got to a part of the beach I've never seen before.

"Ok, so, I'm going to teach you how to travel between realms." I stood starstruck.

"Holy shit. I can do that?" I ask him.

"Not everyone can but since the two of us are powerful we can." He thought I was powerful? I mean I knew he kinda did but he's never just said it. There was always a way around the actual word. 

"So I've taught you how to teleport on one realm as long as you know the place you're going." He started and I nodded clarifying his statement. "It's similar to that but a bit more extreme. Since you know this place it will make it easier for you. Just focus your power on a singular spot and think of opening a portal." I tried to make sense of what he said so I stepped back and looked into the water and placed my hands in front of me. I closed my eyes and I felt the magic shoot out of my hands. I open my eyes and there is a whirlpool. I look at Peter and he looks at the whirlpool impressed.

"Did I do it?" I asked him hoping I did it right.

"Yeah, princess you did. Now let's go." He wraps his arm around my waist tightly and we jump through together.

In a blink of an eye, we were on different land meaning it had worked hopefully. I stood and looked around and I noticed it had worked. We were in Conriston. The forest part at least. I knew this place like the back of my hand so I knew exactly where we are.

"Good job." Peter congratulated me with a smirk. I returned the gesture and we started walking to the exit of the forest towards the town. 

We got to where the forest ends and the town begins but we hung out behind a tree for a moment. All the markets were open and shop owners were standing at their stands and setting up their items to sell. It was busy and full of people.

"This place didn't change at all." I scowled. "It's still a piece of shit."

"Well, no love lost there." Peter laughed.

"Not one bit." I agreed as I saw Mr. Oliver passing by to get to his stand. "I wish I could snap his neck" I scowled under my breath. Peter looked kind of shocked at how much I hated this place.

"Well, what's stopping you?" He challenged me. I looked at up at him knowing he was completely right. Nothing. So I raised my hand and flicked my wrist. I heard a crack and saw his body thud to the ground. I smiled at what I had just done. Villagers screamed and rushed towards him. It sucked to see everyone care about him. He was nice to me at one point and then he made me starve and chased me out of town with torches. The thought made my smile fade. Why did everyone care about him? He was an ass. A no-good son of a bitch. Before I knew it everyone that rushed to his aid was dead right next to him. Whoops. Sorry, not really at all though. Everyone started screaming and running away.

"Damn princess. Leave some for me." He teased.

"As you wish 'your highness'." I teased back. We both laughed a little and I told him I wanted to burn the town to the ground and he didn't hesitate to agree.

We decided we were going to make it fun so we made a plan. I was going to go out there first and then everyone's going to recognize me as the sister of a pirate who's weak and who will run. Then I'll take someone's heart and kill some people here and there. Then people will probably question and that's when Peter comes out. And people already know him so they'll be even more scared. We will destroy that town and everyone in it. Then we go grab the doll. And by the end, everyone will recognize me as the girl that they tried to kill but then killed them. 

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now