Lost Pirate

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"The weak little lost pirate."


We finished making the plan and now it was time to put it into action. All the villagers were still running around trying to find what could have killed all those people. Little did they know it was me.

I put the cloak on and clipped the front together. I raised my hood to cover my face and hair so I couldn't be recognized right away and I walked out of the woods. Since they couldn't see who I was they just rushed passed without taking a second glance. I was proud of what I had accomplished. Everyone that hurt me was now hurt by me and I couldn't feel better.

"I don't recognize you. What town are you from?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. It was a voice I knew all too well. We were best friends as kids. He was abandoned and was raised by apes in the forest. He came to the village when he was a teenager and that's when we met. We talked all the time and eventually got closer and became inseparable. Well, until everyone decided to try to murder me.

"Are you sure you don't recognize me?" I say as I turn around to meet his gaze. I take off my hood revealing my face with a smirk. "Long time no see Tarzan." His mouth dropped open in shock.

"Filthy pirate." He scowls through his teeth.

"Filthy monkey." I snarked back.

"Everyone look who decided to show her face here again!" He yells drawing a huge crowd of curious town members. They all start to talk about me and how I should have died in the forest. "The little weak lost pirate." He finishes.

"That's a really funny choice of words." I laugh. None of their words hurt anymore because I now know that I can kill all of them with the wave of my hand.

"Oh, and why's that." He dares.

"Because now I'm stronger than everyone here combined," I say through gritted teeth. Laughs escape everyone's mouths. "Alright don't believe me? How bout I show you." I say with a smirk as I dig my hand into Tarzan's chest and pulled out his heart. He gasped in pain as he fell to his knees in front of me. Everyone takes a step back now scared of what I can do. 

I start to squeeze his heart and he yells at me to stop and screams for help. No one comes to save him and I kneel down to meet his eyes.

"Where are your monkeys now?" I say before I squeeze his heart and he goes limp and collapses. I turn around to face the crowd and let go of the dust letting the wind carry it away.

The fear in everyone's eyes gave me a different feeling of excitement. I was so fucking happy right now. I had done it. I was going to get my payback once and for all.

"W-what happened to you?" A girl asked. I had seen her every now and again but we never really talked.

"What happened was you guys. Turns out chasing someone out of town with torches really gives someone motivation." I answer. "And after I left I lived in the woods for a few days before I was taken to a place. A place called Neverland." I smirk knowing they all feared the story's of Neverland and the demon the inhabited it. As I suspected their eyes filled with fear. "And then, believe it or not, I became friends with Peter Pan. You know, the one you guys called a demon. Well, he trained me for hours every day until I became powerful. And here I am." I say as I raise my hands and walk in a circle. "It's like I never left." After those words, he finally steps out of the woods.

"Ah speak of the devil," I say as I make room for Peter to stand next to me. The villagers start screaming and running away. We fist bump each other and walk to the witches hut killing everyone who got in our way. When we arrived we stopped at the door.

"Ladies first." He says as he steps aside allowing me to enter first. I open the door and sure enough, the old witch was sitting in her creepy ass chair. Peter follows and when he does she notices out presence. She turns around and sees the two of us. Her eyes widen in fear as she stands up to confront us.

"What do you want?" She snaps glaring at Peter.

"Don't play dumb. You know what I want Circe." She moves closer to us and Peter moves me behind him. She glares at me before turning her stance to me.

"I knew you had it in you." She says addressing me.

"Piss off. You had nothing to do with this." I snap at her. She would always tell me I was weak. She was the reason I always thought I could do anything. She raises an eyebrow and looks back at Peter.

"Well, what you want you won't get." She finally answers.

"You underestimate me Circe." He scowls as he raises his hand and throws her against the back wall. She falls to the ground knocking over bottles and bowls in the process. 

Peter rushes around the store before she gets up to try and find the doll. I attempt to help but I have no idea what this doll looks like. I watch her get up and raise a hand to get up. I see a cuff on a table and rush over there to grab it. I reach it and teleport to where Circe was laying. I wrap the cuff around her wrist to block her magic. Another thing I learned in the lessons.

"NO!" She shouts in frustration. Peter looks back to see why she's mad and sees what going on.

"Good job princess." He smiles at me and I return the movement. She struggles to try to pull off the cuff but it doesn't do any good. 

Peter rummages through another box and pulls out a brown, worn out voodoo doll.

"Found it." He looks back at me and then the witch. "You finish her. I'll start to finish them." He gestures to outside. I nod at him as he runs out and I turn to face Circe yet again.

I lean down to where she's crouched on the floor trying to yank off the cuff.

"Now you know that's not going to work," I say to her. She looks up at me with a mix of anger and sadness in her eyes.

"You've changed." She says through her shaky breath.

"Yeah, no shit." I snarkily I push my hand through her chest and pull out her partially black heart. She yelps in pain.

"You need to do it." She gasps.

"Well, duh," I say as I squeeze her heart a little more.

"No." She breaths out and I release her heart a bit now intrigued with what she has to say. "Him. Go for him." And those were her last words. I squeeze her heart into ash and she falls to the floor completely. I brush my hands off as I stand up to go find Peter to help him with Circe's words echoing through my head.

I run out and quickly find him snapping people necks. I smirk and run up to him. I assist him but then the snapping neck and ripping hearts got a little boring.

"What if we burned the houses," I say out of the blue. He looks at me as he snaps a young girl's neck. "Well I mean people are in the houses and this town needs to burn. Literally." He smirks at me.

"Of course princess." Is all he says before he walks over to a wooden house with a straw roof. A fireball forms in his hand and he throws it at the base of the house. It quickly shoots up in flames and smoke engulfed the house. Inside you can hear the screams of the inhabitants. I jump around in happiness and I go to do the same.

When we had finished everyone off we looked at each other and ran to each other. We engulfed each other in a hug and he picked me up and swung me around. We were both laughing like idiots but I didn't even care. It was the most fun I've ever had. He set me down and we walked away with the town burning behind us with the witch's words still filling my head.

'You need to do it. Go for him.'

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