Wendy Bird

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"You're just like Peter! You monster."


I snapped awake from a pleasant dream I had. I stopped having those horrid nightmares after I came to overland. I had been awoken to the feeling of someone entering Neverland.

"New lost boys." I smiled to myself as I flung my legs off the side of my bed and stretched to get up. I threw on a long pink dress. Some people would call me over the top for some of the dresses I had but I didn't much care.

 Some people would call me over the top for some of the dresses I had but I didn't much care

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I put it on and walked out barefoot yet again. The feeling of the dirt and leaves on my feet felt amazing. It gave me a sense of freedom. I walked over to where the food was and grabbed some toast and at that moment I felt some arms wrap around my waist. 

"Good morning princess." He whispered into my ear giving me butterflies. I smirked as I took a bite of the toast.

"Good morning Peter." I said back. "Did you feel a new person come in as well?" I questioned with my mouth full.

"Yeah in fact I did. Maybe you could go check it out? I have work to do." I knew what he meant by work. There was a newer boy in the group who would constintally flirt with me and Peter did not like it one bit. He had given the boy plenty of warnings but he never listened and we all know what happens to people who don't listen to him. I was fine with it thought because he got on my nerves.

"Yeah I'll go after I eat this," I say referring to the piece of bread in my hand. He gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking off.


I walked through the forest in an attempt to find the boy who had landed on the island. I was hoping that it was the boy on the paper but with the wizards prophecy's the chances of that were slim. I decided that maybe flying was a better option so I bent my knees and pushed off the ground. The cool Neverland breeze felt good on my face and my hair whipped around as I flew. I finally spotted movement below me on the beach. I landed in the forest so I could walk out instead of scaring him. The breeze was heavy today so my dress was swaying in the wind as I walked into the shadows so I could see him but he couldn't see me. I squinted my eyes as I saw a-


What the hell is a girl doing here? I stood at the edge of where the sand met the dirt in the shadows of the trees inspecting the girl. She had curly blonde hair that was tied up with a blue ribbon and was wearing a white nightdress. She was looking around scared and it reminded me of the time I first got here. Then I decided to see why she was here if she knew anything.


I had summoned the shadow to take me back to Neverland after Bae sacrifice himself to save John and Michael. I just couldn't bear the thought of leaving him without a family again. I stood up on the shores of what I had assumed was Neverland and looked around. Nobody greeted me unlike last time when Peter and Felix came and introduced themselves. 

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