The Pull

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Return to Neverland

"I hate you, you know that right?"


We follow Regina's map to see where Peter was but I knew what they didn't. He knew we were coming. He has complete control over this island so he knows when anyone is trying to interfere with his games. We got to the camp and M makes the remark that no ones there. I look around and I can tell the boys are hiding waiting to come out. 

"Guys, is that..." Emma starts as she sees someone and I jerk my head in the direction of the figure. Peter. "Henry!" And that's when he turns around revealing himself as Peter making the group stop dead in their tracks.

"Hi Emma." He retorts as he raises an eyebrow.

"Where the hell is Henry?" I could tell she was trying to be brave but I spent years discovering people's secrets and fears so I could tell hers was Peter.

"You broke the rules." Peter said as he interlocked his fingers in front of him and started pacing. "That's not fair. Bad form. I'd expect more from you captain." He calls out Killian which, of course, made him angry. He wasn't wrong thought. A smirk grew on my face but I wiped it away before anyone saw it.

"Aye, and you'll get it." Killian threatens him which does absolutely nothing to make Peter fear him.

"Give Henry to me." Emma speaks up interrupting the two's quarrel.

"Sorry, can't. Don't you know?" Cheaters never win. "Cheaters never win." I remembered those words from one of the many adventures Peter and I took. We were in a place called Camelot. The King of Camelot never saw the two of us, only heard our voices. We bribed him into giving us one of Merlin's spell books. Merlin and I were at equal strengths except me just a tiny bit more. 

All of a sudden the boys came out from behind Peter bringing me back to times we would fight together. Some of the boys we're old and some were new. I recognized Felix and Devin right away. Then it hit me. I was on the side that was going to fight them. Fight the only family I ever knew. I couldn't do that. I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone else but I couldn't even hurt them. The group got into a stance and I slowly backed away from the group and further into the camp behind us. I watched as the boys loaded their bows and started to shoot them. I ran behind a tent hoping to be able to wait out the fight then sneak back. It'll be like I never left.

"Running from a fight, huh? Doesn't sound like the Queen I once knew." I sucked in my cheeks and bit down on them knowing who it was.

"Peter." I breathed out in frustration. "What do you want?" I met his eyes with an annoyed face which softens when I see his eyes but I try to keep my composure.

'remember, he hurt you.'

I remind myself over and over again.

"Well just came to see where you ran off too." In the distance I could hear the arrows whooshing and swords clanging against each other.

'Mary Margaret!' I heard David yell in the distance. I shook it off and focused back on Peter.

"From the looks of it, it looks like you're running as well." I crossed my arms and stared him down and he gives me a smirk.

"Oh, princess. You know I don't run." He walks up really close to me and puts his lips close to mine. "We all know, Peter Pan never fails." He looks down at my lips then back at my eyes before slowly backing away from me. He looks me dead in the eyes as he purses his lips and whistles before disappearing. I hear the fighting settling down as I run to rejoin the group. I saw Peter standing where he did once before and he gave me a smirk to which I just looked down. There was that feeling again.

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