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"A dress would only slow you down."


A couple weeks had passed since I told Killian that I was here, on Neverland. The week was full of adventures and training. Peter and I trained almost every day and he had said I was getting a lot stronger. But then again he could be lying. 

I had learned a lot of new things dealing with my magic. Peter also said I was a fast learner and I couldn't argue with him that. I had learned so much in such a short time. I also learned about different plants and potions that could be used for different things. Peter had taught me how to extract squid ink. He told me it was very hard to do and almost impossible to find unless you used a special conch shell by the ocean. I had already used some of the ink on some lost boys just for fun. Poor guys were stuck for days at a time. It was honestly kinda funny because they had to be spoon-fed and could hardly talk. Peter said the ink was typically used on very powerful beings so the effects on normal people would last longer and work a lot more.

My aim, with the bow Peter gave me, had also improved greatly and Peter allowed me to go hunting with the boys whenever I wanted too. It was a lot of fun and I wasn't treated differently because I was a girl. 

Devin and I were still close and would talk about our days every night by the fire. I hadn't seen another celebration since I came and I was dying to have another one. I was so excited to play my mothers ukulele. I had, however, been practicing very often and I was getting better at it too. Come to think of it, I had learned so much while I was here and it felt awesome.

I still do miss Killian though. I wish I could see him every now and again but I couldn't. He had left after I told him I wasn't going with him and just sailed the seas. He never came on the island anymore. Peter said he'd be alright and would forget about me soon anyway. It was a tough pill to swallow but it was probably the truth so it made it easier to not think about it. 


"Princess, come out here." I heard Peter say from outside my tent.

"Ugh why?" I protested. I was comfortable and was playing the ukulele.

"Don't question me. Just come on." I placed the instrument on my bed and got up to see what he could possibly need.

"What?" I questioned a little annoyed that I was interrupted.

"Oh drop the attitude princess." He fired back at me. "We have something for you." He said as I finally notice all the boys crowded behind their leader. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but didn't protest this time.

He lifted his hand as if he was summoning an object into his hand and sure enough that's what happened. In his grasp appeared a long blue, almost green, cloak with a purple satin laced in the hood.

"Here." He said offering the cloak to me. "If you're going to be apart of us, you're going to have to look like us." He joked at me. I chuckled as I gratefully took the beautiful cloak from him.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and he smirked back. 

"Well put it on!" I heard one of the boys say from the middle of the group. When he said that cheers erupted from the rest of the group.

"Fine fine fine." I gave in with a small laugh.

"Here I'll put it on for you." Peter offered.

"I think I can put on a cloak by myself 'your highness'." I mocked back.

"I don't care." He scowled at me. I glared at him but eventually handed the cloak back to him. I turned around and pulled my hair out of the way. He wrapped the teal cloak around me and clipped it in the front. I turned back around and the cloak followed my movement gracefully. I loved it so much.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now