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"It's that everyone here is a fairytale character, even me apparently


Hey, My name is Aura. Aura Barrie. I live here in a town called Storybrooke. For the most part, it's peaceful and that is what I hated about this town. I wanted to go out and explore. I've always had the urge to for- well I don't know how long. As long as I can remember I guess. 

I don't really know my family but when I was living on the streets a woman came by and helped me. She said her name was Mary Margaret and she took me in for a night. One night changed into weeks and soon enough she was filing adoption papers. I didn't think of her as a mother, however, more of a big sister and it was great.

I have a best friend too. His name is Henry. He's a few years younger than me but it's the same nonetheless. I would always hang out with Henry and we both had this awesome theory about this town.

It's that everyone here is a fairytale character, even me apparently. We haven't found out who I'm supposed to be yet but we're still looking through the book that M gave Henry. We think she's Snow White and it makes complete sense. Then we think Henry's adoptive mother is the Evil Queen. That also makes sense. His mother is quite the character and she doesn't really like me for some reason. Then we think the two people that work at the diner down the road is owned by Granny and Little Red Riding Hood. 

Everyday me and Henry would meet up after school and sit on our castle to read the book. We had scowered the pages trying to find who I was but never found it.

"Hey Aura." I here Henry say as he walks into the diner called Granny's.

"Hey kid. You going to school?" I ask him as he takes a sit in the booth facing me.

"Yeah you know my mom would kill me, and you, if she found out I skipped. You going?" Henry asked as Ruby brought him some hot coco.

"Naw I'm good. Nothing's going on there anyway." I say as I drink my orange juice. I hated school. The whole process was disgusting to me. Having to ask to use the bathroom, stupid dress codes, being forced into a smelly classroom to get useless information stuffed into our brains, and most of all I'm bossed around. And that's what I really really hate. 

We finished our drinks and left money on the table to pay for it. The two of us skipped down the steps of the diner and we both went separate ways. He to the bus stop to get to school and me? I'm going to the woods. It was almost like my second home. I swear I was someone that lived in the woods back in the Echanted Forest.

I took off my shoes and jacket and left them by a tree. I let the wind blow through my hair as I ran making it a mess. I loved this feeling. I finally felt free trapped in this tiny town where nothing ever happened. I hated it here and I want to go home. But I don't know where home is.


I told Aura I was going to school but little does she know I'm hoping on a bus and going to find someone. The one person who can break this curse.

My Mom.

I stole Mary Margarets credit card and approached the bus hoping. I got on and sat down next to an old man because the rest of the seats were taken. I took out my story book out of my bag and started reading it. When we got to Boston I closed the book and started to put it away before a lady spoke to me.

"That a good book?" She said looking down at the giant book full of fairytales.

"This?" I say as I lift the book up to show the cover. "It's more than just a book." I tell her before putting the book back into my brown backpack.

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