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First Curse

"He is all I have left of my family."


After Henry was almost KIDNAPPED by Emma because she thought that was a good idea for some reason, I ran to Henry and gave him a hug. Emma was right behind him and I glared her down.

"Why would you do that?" I snapped at her as I approached her.

"I don't know..." She looked genuinely confused on got a hold of her.

"You could've hurt more people than you know but doing that. He is all I have left of my family." I never knew my family at all. I've always been alone. That is until I met Henry.

"I'm sorry ok?" She said as she stormed off towards the apartments. I gave Henry another hug and walked after Emma since we now live together. We walk into the apartment as anger is thick in the air. 

"I'm going over to Regina's." She said out of nowhere. I waited for her to continue with an explanation of why. "I think it's about time we put our differences aside." I nodded a little confused at the sudden change of heart but I didn't stop her. She put on her leather jacket and walked out the door.

An hour or two later she came back with food. The Evil Queen gave her food and she just took it??? What an idiot that one. She told me she was going to leave for the sake of Henry but I knew she couldn't do that. It would destroy Henry. She wasn't listening to my rant about how she couldn't leave but instead packed up and called Henry on the walkie telling him to come over.

I could hear a knock at the door as Emma skipped down the stairs to open it as I stayed glued to a chair at the table.

"Hey, Emma. Everything ok? You sounded strange over the walkie." Henry said as he was let in.

"Oh um... No i'm ok." Emma shut the door and turned back around with her jacket in her hand. "Just um. Yesterday, when I tried to take you away, you were right. I can't take you out of Storybrooke. But I can't stay either."

"What?" Henry's voice broke as he looked to me. I shut my eyes because I knew this was going to be a hard pill to swallow. I tried to stop he I really did she was just stubborn.

"I have to go."

"Go? You mean leave Storybrooke?" This was a stupid decision and she didn't even think it over. At least give a decision like that time.

"Yeah, I spoke to Regina, we made a deal-" She starts trying to explain herself as much as she can without Henry freaking out. "I'm still going to be able to see you, just not... everyday." Henry's eyes well up in tears before he starts to raise his voice.

"No! No you can't trust her."

"I have to it's my only choice." Well that a pile of bullshit. I ship on my juice as I watch the scene unfold. "It's what's best for you, Henry. Everytime I fight her, someone else get's hurt." 

"No, no. No! You're just scared. This happens to all heroes. It's just the low moment before you fight back." Henry tells her. He wasn't wrong. Not one bit.

"Henry. This isn't a story. This is reality. And things have to change." Emma pleads as she kneels on the ground and grabs onto his arms. "You can't skip school." Oh yeah that's my bad... "You can't run away and- you can't believe in curses." OH SHE DID NOT. I had enough and stood up quickly pushing the chair back as I did. 

"You really don't believe?" I snapped as she glared at me then back at Henry who was waiting for the answer just as much.

"I- This is how it has to be right now." She says through tears. That didn't answer the question. "I made a deal, and I used my super power. She's telling the truth. She's gonna take really good care of you." She cries as a tear slowly glides down her cheek.

"Yes, but she want's you dead." I remind her.

"Come on, the two of you!"

"You're the only one who can stop her." Henry informs her yet again. She stands up and crosses her arms.

"Stop her from what? All she's ever done is fight for you." She doesn't even know half the story and the other half she refuses to believe so she can't talk. "It just... got out of hand. I'm sorry." She sighs. Henry runs up to her and hugs her tightly almost knocking her over. I stand right where I am with fury written on my face.

"Where did you get that?" Henry asks making me look in the direction he was at what Emma brought home from Regina's.

"Regina gave it to me." She says as she let's go of Henry and he walks over to it. He puts his nose to it and cries 'apple'.

"So?" Emma furrows her eyebrows.

"You can't eat that it's poison!" He's right! It has to be. The Evil Queen would never let one of her enemies stay alive on purpose.


"Don't you see!" I say as I walked up to the food. "The deal- It was all a trick to get you to eat that." I tell her referring the pie.

"Exactly." Henry says teaming up by my side. "To get rid of the Savior." 

"Henry come on. Why would she do that when I just told her I was gonna go?"

"Because as long as you're alive you're a threat to the curse." Emma rolls her eyes at me obviously fed up with the two of us.

"Aura, you're too old to be thinking like this." NO YOU'RE JUST BLIND. I wanted to scream at her but I didn't.

"BUT ITS THE TRUTH!" Henry finally snaps. "And you leaving isn't going to change that." He was so upset and I agreed with him a hundred percent.

"I'll prove it to you." Emma remarks as she reaches for the poisoned food.

"No!" Henry yells and grabs it instead. I freak out knowing what he's gonna try to do.

"Henry wha- What are you doing?" She says as she turns to see where he was.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this. You may not believe in the curse or in us... But I believe in you." Emma face softens at what he said.

"HENRY DON'T." I cry out and try to lunge for him before he took a bite. I let a large breathe of relief out when he doesn't fall to the ground unconscious.

"See? Wanna have some ice cream with that? And then we can go back to talking about-" Henry stops moving for a second and I knew something was wrong. And then he hit the floor.

"NO."  I cried as I ran up beside his body trying to shake him awake. "Henry? Henry!" I cry even harder over the body of him lies motionless. "No don't leave me please." I sob.

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