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"This is my island and I can kill you in two seconds if I want."


I woke up way before any of the lost boys. It was around five so pretty early. I had thirty minutes till the rest of the boys got up so I had some time to kill. I went to grab an apple from the kitchen. When I grabbed the apple I tossed it in the air and caught it. I cleaned it off on my shirt and bit into it. I had no idea what the hell I was going to do today. Nothing important was going on today and nothing exciting either. Then it hit me.

The new girl.

I had the urge to just flat out piss her off for no good reason. Wouldn't be the first time. I set out to go find her. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't make it through the night. I would be kinda disappointed if that were the case. She seems fun to piss off and have around because of how she responds. I flew around the island and found a small area with piled-up leaves and a small rock circle with sticks in the middle. This must've been where she set up camp but she wasn't here. I knew she wouldn't make it through the night. I landed and looked around for any sign of her. I started walking back when I found nothing but then I heard leaves rustle and I quickly disappeared behind a tree. Then I saw her. She was dragging a dead deer back to the camp with a long spear in her hand. She walked over to the tree I was hiding behind and I thought she had found me but she just propped the spear against the tree. I sighed with relief as my thoughts turned into something else.

'what the hell'  I thought to myself.

Questions flooded my mind. Did she do that herself? How the hell did she get a spear? Last time I saw her she had nothing. How is she strong enough to drag a buck back to her camp alone? I was confused. She laid the buck down and sat on the pile of leaves, out of breath. She pulled out a leather canteen and drank from it. To say the least, I was surprised at what she had accomplished.


When it was dawn and the long night was over I decided I needed to go hunting for food. I don't know much about hunting but I do know you need to go early in the morning. Some of the people from the village had taught me that.

I did need a weapon, however. I looked for some rocks which weren't hard to find. I started to sharpen them which took a bit longer than I would've liked. Then I found some thick vine and tied it around a long stick and the sharp rock to make it. 

I walked out into the forest to find any kind of animal. I don't know what kind of animals live here. I wouldn't be surprised if I came across a dragon at this point. I climbed up a tree and sat on a branch. Waiting for anything to come by. Then I saw something. It had brown fur and antlers. A deer! My heart skipped a beat as I finally closed my right eye and peered down. I aimed for right between the shoulder and lungs. I reared my arm back before flinging to forward letting it fly through the air, hitting exactly where I wanted it to.

"Bullseye," I said to myself as I jumped down from the tree. I pulled the spear out of it and started trying to find a way to pull the deer back to the make-shift camp I had made. It took a while but eventually, I got it and headed back. When I got there I propped the spear against a tree and set the deer down. I sat down on my make-shift bed out of breath. I brought out my canteen and drank the water inside.

I drank all of it because I was parched. I had never hunted before because I always lived near a village where they would give me food. Well until they wouldn't and I had to steal. I don't even know how I knew how to make the spear or aim it for that matter. It was almost like an instinct.


I whipped my head around from the sudden sound of sticks breaking. It came from around where the tree that my spear was leaning up against was. 

"Who's there?" I said my breath shaking. 

"I said who's there?" I said a little louder hoping it wasn't a person and that it was just a small animal or something. I inched closer to the tree where the sound came from then quickly lunged to grab my spear. Once I had it in my grasp I felt a little safer. 

"Last chance," I said as I pointed my spear forward. 

"Fine fine fine. You got me." an accent said from behind the tree. He slowly stepped around the tree with his arms up in defeat as a smirked was plastered on his face. Pan. Why was he always stalking me? I put the tip of the spear near his throat and pushed him back till he was against a tree, the spear still on his throat. 

"What do you want Pan," I said through gritted teeth. 

"Oh now, love, no need to be feisty." He was really pissing me off. 

"You didn't answer my question," I responded as I pushed the tip further without breaking skin. 

"You see that's the issue..." he said as he disappeared right in front of my eyes. 

"What the-" I mumbled until I felt an arm wrap around me and something cold touch my neck.

"Now listen here. I don't have to answer to you. This is my island and I can kill you in two seconds if I want." He whispered in my ear from behind me. I closed my eyes trying not to panic. Not sure that worked too well though. 


I had disappeared from in front of her to behind her. I could tell she was confused. I took out my dagger and wrapped my arms around her waist putting the dagger on her neck. She dropped her spear and stopped moving. 

"Now listen here. I don't have to answer to you. This is my island and I can kill you in two seconds if I wanted." After I said that I released her pushing her a little forward. She stumbled and spotted her spear and lunged to grab it but before she could reach it, it had disappeared from the ground and into my grasp. She was stunned. 

"Aww is the little princess weaponless now?" I mocked. I could tell she was furious with me. 

"First off 'Pan' I'm not a princess." She scolded as she reached for the spear. When she failed she folded her arms and continued with what she was saying. "And secondly leave me the hell alone. I don't need you." I smirked knowing she had no idea what she was saying. I let her go on her little rant. I responded with sarcastic "Mhm's" and "Oh is that so?" or "Really??" 

This was funnier than it probably should be but oh well. Once she was done yelling at me for things I laughed. 

"What's so funny" she questioned crossing her arms. 

"Well, you think you can survive here without at least a little bit of my help. But I control this island and everything on it. So I'll just wait till you need me because no foods available or you got attacked by a monster or something else." I walked away from her. 

"Bu-" She began to protest but I poofed back to the camp without letting her finish her sentence. 

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now