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"He lets you think you've won but he plans everything. There's no beating him."


The group sat around for hours it seemed like just talking and laughing. Sam really seemed to be enjoying herself which was a good thing at least. At least she's not bitching about her brother and stuff anymore. I had moved from the tree to my thinking tree, unnoticed. It didn't bother me, however. They knew I was their leader and they were also used to me disappearing at random times without an explanation. I went inside the door to my tree and sat in a wooden chair in the corner just to think about the events and run through my plan again.

I had already gotten Sam to trust the boys which will eventually lead to her fully trusting me. Then I will train her to use her magic and become powerful. She will then be influenced by me to get her revenge on everyone who wronged her. It's not even about her brother anymore but Neverland could use another powerful being on it. Everyone will know not to cross paths with anyone on the island and know that we are the two most powerful beings ever. I will finally hold more power than any fairy or witch. Then I will imprison Sam either by banishment to another realm or pandora's box. The plan was coming together finally and I was excited.


I had woken up to the ship rocking side to side slightly and hearing the creaks of the ship. I threw on my leather... well leather everything and stepped out to find junior. I walked up to her door and knocked.

"Aye Junior time to wake up" When she didn't respond I thought it was because she was a heavy sleeper so I entered the room.

"Junior?" I questioned looking at her bed. I saw the shape of her under the covers, her head facing the wall. I sneaked over to her bed and shook her a little bit but it didn't feel like a human. Confused I threw the covers back to reveal piled up pillows and sheets. I stepped back in disbelief which quickly turned into anger. I stomped out of her room and stormed up on the deck.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU FOOLS DO TO HER?" I yelled at the crew. I got a mix of confused and concerned looks from them. "Answer me please." I pleaded at them almost in tears. They've never seen me this way. Weak. And the only time I will ever be weak is if I lost her. She's all I have left. I realized none of them had anything to do with it.

"Pan" I said through gritted teeth as I stormed off the ship and to the island. 

I entered the forest and yelled his name.

"PAN. PETER PAN WHERE ARE YOU." I continued in a panic.

"Oh I'm right here captain. No need to be so loud." I whip around to see a smirking Pan leaning against a tree.

"Where is she? Why did you kidnap her?" I snapped at her and he put on a fake offended face.

"Me kidnap?! Oh never." He said pretending to be innocent. It was complete bullshit and I was not buying it.

"Don't lie to me." I growled as I walked up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up to meet my gaze. "Where is she. I know you have her so don't try and lie to me." I said as I pushed him back.

"Oh I haven't lied captain. I didn't kidnap your precious sister." He started. Bullshit. "She came with me." BULLSHIT.

"She would never go with you. She hates you." I argued.

"Obviously not enough because she's hanging out with the lost boys having fun right this second." He teased walking around. He turned on his heel to look at me and he continued. "You know being a lost girl and everything." I wanted to go over there and strangle him but I knew I couldn't. I was already taking a risk being out here challenging him.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now