Is This My Son?

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Season 2

"Well I'm cashing it in"


"You've been here for only a couple days. How have you already gotten hit by a car." I say frustrated as I pace around his hospital room.

"Calm down, love, I'm fine. Look I'm alive!" He says sarcastically as I give him a look and raise my eyebrow. I walk over to the side of his bed and look at him. 

"Killian. You just tried to kill the Dark Ones girlfriend and now you're tied up to a bed with multiple broken ribs. I wouldn't say you're fine." I snarl at him. Apparently he was out trying to kill Rumple but instead shot his girlfriend and there's a new guy in town that nobody knows. It couldn't get much worse.

"I'll live." He repeats again.

"Maybe, but look at you. You're a mess."

"I'm always a mess Sam. You know this." I punch his ribs lightly but it still hurt him.

"You know what I mean Killian."

"Bloody hell" He cries out as the pain shoots through his entire body making me laugh. People ran by his room catching my attention and I notice its Mary Margaret and her group. 

"I'll come to check on you again later. Don't get run over again." I say before I run out of the room after the group.

I see the entire group arguing over something as I go to see what the fuss is about.

"Aren't you a doctor?" Emma snaps at Whale as he pushed past them to go talk to Rumple. I walked over to M and asked her what was going on. When she told me I started to freak out just a little bit. I mean what the hell would people do to a person from Neverland... and immortal that can't die under any circumstance. 

Whale and Gold talk for a moment until Gold leaves leaving Whale speechless until he turns back to our group.

"Look... letting him die is easy. I can do that if that's what you decide." Everyone looks stunned at the thought but I think it's a great idea. We don't know this dude, he doesn't matter. He could be here to destroy our lives and I don't need anymore damage.

"Let's take this somewhere private." Emma suggests as we all walk to a supplies cabinet.

"It's not really murder if we let him succumb to his injuries." Whale says as he opens to the to let us in. He's not wrong at all though.

"I'm pretty sure it is."
"Of course we save him"

"Well..." I here Leroy chuckle after all the heroes being good decent people.

"Leroy!" M snaps at him.

"We gotta think it through." I admit. "If we save him and kill the whole town, is that really better?" I state obviously. I mean maybe I'm just fucked up but I say he dies.

"So we have to choose between our lives and his." Ruby speaks up. I don't know her fairytale name and I don't care so I still call her Ruby.

"We can worry about the town later." David tells her.

"Which doesn't mean we should abandon him." M says questioning what David said.

"I know, but let's worry about Storybrooke." Exactly. Meaning we let him die since everyone's to scared to call it murder. "After we save a life" UGGG these people are so annoying. Like seriously he's gonna kill us all if we don't kill him. Mock my words but I can tell this guy is not a good one.

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