New Neverland

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Return to Neverland

"I know it's hard to resist the darkness and especially when you need to save the man you love"


We had anchored back in Storybrooke and I could see all the townspeople waiting by the docks. No one here knew what happened with me in Neverland so they all still see me as a good guy. I looked at Felix and gave a small smirk to which he returned. He stood up and held his hand out for me to take it. I took it and I looked to where Peter was standing with his 'family' and we both exchanged a nod. I was still wearing my clothes from Neverland so I looked a little misplaced but I didn't care. 

Killian hasn't said one word to me since the scene Peter and I made days before on Neverland which pissed me off. I mean if one person could understand the pull of the darkness it would be him. Right? Or was he now just this fantastic hero that didn't care about me anymore because he has friends now.

A large thud came from where the ramp was set down letting Peter go out first followed by Emma then Snow and so on. After Rumpelstiltskin got off the ship it was our turn to leave. Felix and I stood side by side, our cloaks waving in the air. We spotted where 'Henry' was being bombarded by hugs from family and friends and he saw us get off. 

It hurt when no one said hey to you even though you didn't deserve it but they didn't know that. Except Ruby. She waved to me which I returned. Felix grabbed my wrist and brought me over to where there was an empty space by the water. We watched as everyone was smiling and laughing and being happy. Part of me wanted that but I knew that I had that with Peter and that's why I wasn't going to lose it. I was going to save him no matter what it takes.

Soon 'Henry' came over to where the two of us were standing so we could discuss the plan. 

"What do you have in mind. Peter?" Felix asks. Peter joins him on his left as I am standing on his right. "What if someone decides to open that box, let the real boy out?"

"That's not the problem. Trust me." I was odd seeing Peter in Henry's body. I had known Henry ever since the curse so for 28 years and now seeing my true love inside my best friend's body... Its weird.

"What's the next step?" Felix asks anxious to get a move on things.

"You need to be punished." Fear shoots through me and I can tell the same goes for Felix.

"Hey, Mom, Dad?" Henry- Peter? I don't know what to call him anymore. "What about Felix? He's still free." What did they do to the other boys?? What did they do to Devin?

"What are you doing?" Felix lowers his voice trying to understand what's going on.

"They need to trust me." Is all he said in return. Everyone walks over to where to three of us were standing.

"Henry's right." Regina speaks up. "Can't just let Felix walk away freely. Or Sam for that matter." She switches her gaze to eye me down which I return.

"No, Sam's fine. She's my best friend. She won't hurt me, she was just blinded by love." Of course Peter added that. I laugh to myself and thank him.

"Oh don't worry. We got plenty of cell space for this guy." Charming says. I look at Felix with sorrow. I felt bad for him but I know he won't be in there long. He leads him away from all of us to the sheriff's station. 

We all went to Granny's after a while. Emma and Snow told everyone about me and what I did. Still 'Henry' refused to let me leave his side. Emma was concerned and wanted me to leave because I was dangerous but let's just say I have changed a little. I'm not trying to kill everyone I see. In fact, I only kill when it's necessary now.

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