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Season 2

"You still wear it."


Things weren't getting better at all. No one had returned and the likeliness they were going to was slim. Cora was more likely to return than them at this point. David was still asleep due to the curse and the dreams were getting worse too. It was almost like when I was in Neverland it stopped the dreams but now they're back. This time it was memories I didn't want to be reminded of like good times with Peter and fun times on Killian's ship. But I knew seeing Killian again was almost impossible. I don't even know where he is but he's probably fine without me. So is Peter.

Henry and I would go to where David was asleep and read to him the stories of his love every day like clockwork.

Regina had told Henry that she needed to go help Mary Margaret and Emma and that she'd be right back but neither of us believed her.

We placed the book down and ran into the forest trying to find her. We brought Ruby so she could sniff then out and I had my magic to locate them so together we found them really quickly.

We saw the two standing by a well and it was glowing green. They were trying to kill anyone who came through the portal. Meaning they were trying to kill M and Emma.

"Mom!?" Henry panted as we had just ran all the way here. "You're not helping Mary Margaret and Emma are you?" Henry confronted her.

"I'm helping you Henry." I think this woman needs to learn what's helping him and what's not.

"What are you talking about." Henry snaps at his mom once again.

"You're gonna kill them." I yell as I run to the well to shut it off.

"Sorry, dearie." Rumple responds as I receive and unexpected blow to the chest sending me backwards. 

"Mom, what are you doing?" Henry panicks at the sight of me falling.

"We can't let Cora come through the portal. You have no idea what she would do to us." Regina says pointing to the well as I climb back onto my feet brushing off the dirt and leaves from the sudden blow.

"Emma and Mary Margaret are going to defeat her. They're the ones that are going to come through." Henry pleads and Regina starts to back down before Gold talk again.

"Henry, your mothers right. It's gonna be Cora."

"No it won't" I say as I approach the scene once again after collecting myself.

"Yeah, good always defeats evil." Henry insists and my breath hitches. Not always... "You should know that more than anyone." Well that was a big back handed complement.

"What I know is my mother will destroy everything I love, and that means you, and I can't let that happen." Suddenly I heard things from Regina's perspective. I mean all Emma does is whine about everything and M doesn't trust anyone anymore. So what if they don't come back? I mean as long as most everyone's safe it's fine.

"You can't! Stop it!" Henry yells as his mother is holding him back I run forward to trying to help Henry and shut off the portal.

Henry's please get heavier and heavier and I can feel the guilt starting to reach Regina.

Henry starts to talk to him mother about how they're going to make it through and how she needs to change.

"You want me to have faith in you? Have faith in me." Henry pleaded.

"Turn it off!" I yell at them and when Rumple tries to shoot me back again I block his magic. I reach the well and start to rid the magic of the portal when Regina joins me as well. The green magic becomes blinding as it surges through both of us. I hardly feel any pain but I can tell it's affecting Regina differently. Finally all the magic is sucked out and we both stumble away from the well coughing.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now