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Fifth Season

"A family reunion. A real family reunion."


(I skip over a lot btw but you'll know where I pick up.)

We had found Killian and he was safe, well he wasn't dead. Well, he was... Nevermind.

He was in bad shape but Emma fixed him with some easy magic before Killian and Emma started to fight. They're not even married and yet they still fight like an old married couple.

A light knock came from the door as they were glaring at each other.

"Fine, I'll get it," I say under my breath as I reach for the handle of the door.

"Hi. How can I-" I pause mid-sentence as I look up to see who it is. It's Liam. He hadn't aged at all. I on the other hand probably look a lot different.

"Killian?" He says shocked.

"Liam?" Killian adds on.

"So the rumors are true. After all these years, my little brother is finally here." He said as he walked up to his younger brother.

Killian let out a sharp laugh before engulfing him in a hug. He didn't recognize me... I mean I get it. He hasn't seen me since I was seven.

"Not just me, brother." Killian said as he got out of the hug and held out his arm for me to join them. "Our baby sister." Liam's featured softened as he looked at me with the eyes I remembered very well.

"Oh, dear is this-" He breathed out as he brought me into the hug as well. A family reunion. A real family reunion. "Sam."


Liam sat me down and started asking me questions about my life and everything that has happened to me. Of course I didn't go into full detail... I left Peter out knowing he would freak out that I spent my life on Neverland becoming an awful villain. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew since people talk. Especially here.

Emma told me and Killian that Liam was acting suspicious and that she didn't completely trust him but I knew we could. I remember that Liam and Killian would sing me to sleep with that one song so long ago. I missed that.

We looked in the library for the pages of the book that Hades was in so we could find out how to stop him. We found the book but pages looked like they had been ripped from the book. Quickly, we put the pieces together to figure out that it was Hades' story that had been taken out.

I was also double tasking for Peter. Rumple had decided to help bring his father back and said it was 'the least I could do for the pain I caused you.' I was still skeptical. Dark Ones are known for manipulation but I will keep Peter safe. No matter what.

Killian and I were walking back to the house when we see Emma yelling at Liam for something. Again?

"Liam, Emma? What's going on?" Killian says as he makes himself known to the pair.

"She thinks I lied to you." Of course, she does.

"He took the pages I can prove it." She insists as I roll my eyes. "Ask him to show you his hands. He's been hiding them since I got here."

"Look, if it would help to clear things up, I'd be happy to."

"That won't be necessary," I speak up looking between my brother and Emma.

"Yeah, I don't need proof to know what's really going on here." Killian chimes in with me. "Emma, when are you going to admit that this isn't really about my brother?"

"What else would you think it was about?" She points out slowly drawing in a deep breath.

"Us." Oh shit. "You think that if you can prove that Liam is a villain, then I'll somehow feel like I was less of one. That you can convince me I'm worth saving and that we've got a future together." I hope Killian knows that I'm going to save him dumbass and drag it back to earth wether he likes it or not.

"You agree with him?" 

"Why bring me back if I should just move on? After we defeat Hades, I won't be returning with you. My fate isn't in Storybrooke. It should be determined here."

"Woah woah. Wait a second." I place a hand on Killians arm trying to get him to look at me but he resists against it.

"It doesn't have to be. You can come home. You just have to forgive yourself."

"Thing is Killian... no matter how many times I tell you, or anybody else does, you have to do it yourself." She finished strongly. She's not making this any better.

Emma storms off, Killian trying to run after her but Liam stops him.

"Your hand." I say as I notice something black on his palm. "You are hiding something."

"It's nothing." He looks down at the ground when he meets my eyes and puts his hand back in his pocket. I grab his wrist sharply and adjust it in the light to get a better view and to show Killian.

"It's ink from the pages." Killian recognizes. "Emma was right. Why would you lie to me. To us?!" Killian snapped at our brother.

"Because he's got much bigger secrets than what's in that book." I hear a voice that I never wanted to hear again say. I slowly turned around to face them.

"You little-" I collect a fireball in my hands and start to lift them before Killian lowers them down. "Like the truth about what he did to us." Silver said as he walked closer to us.

"YOU DESERVE A MUCH WORSE FATE THAN THIS." I scream at him before getting out of Killians grip and running into the woods. Running to Peter.

"Hey, hey, hey." Peter comforts me in a hug as I burst through the doors of the mansion. "Princess, what's wrong?" 

"Silver. He's back." I let tears fall as the painful memories resurface. The pain. The feeling of knowing you may never see your family again. The only things you had left at the time. Gone.

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