Best Friends

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Return to Neverland

"You mean, I am a monster."


After we got Henry back from Neal, I knew I needed to head back to the group. They either didn't noticed I was missing or were being distrustful as usual. Which, I mean, now they had good reason to be but they didn't know that so it still hurt.

When I found them, they were back at camp making some sort of trap for a lost boy.

"You really think a lost boy is gonna betray Peter?" I question her but she gives me a look she's never given me before. Annoyance. Damn I knew I was a lot to handle but seriously?

"Thanks for the advice." She mumbles to me and I scoff at her tone. "David? We need more vines?" She tells him.

"On it." He breaths out obviously tired. I felt bad for the guy but oh well. "You're coming with me, Pirate." He orders Killian.

"Why is that?" He snaps at him making me laugh a little.

"Because we need more rope." Emma retorts. What is up with these people?

"If the lady insists." Killian dramatically bows and gets up and I kick him in the calf for his stupidity. He was hiding his feelings very well for the blonde headed bimbo over there.

The rest of us girls sat down making a trap. Well they made a trap. I wasn't going to build something that was going to trap my family.

A little while later Killian and David came back with the extra rope but said they were going to find Liam's sextant. I wanted to go to but Killian wanted me to stay here so I could 'protect' them. I agreed but I didn't want to. Killian pulled me to the side and told me what was really going on. David was dying of Dreamshade and he needed to get him to the spring of Neverland to heal him. I honestly hope he dies. He's kind of annoying but Killian insists so whatever.

After they leave the girls want to put the plan into action. They get into their hiding places while I stay a far distance away. I didn't want to be apart of the reason my family got hurt. I leaned on a tree but I could still hear everything that was going on. I heard M let go of the arrow and letting it fly through the air, landing on the tree. I heard the trap come down on someone. Probably a lost boy. Wait why was I not stopping them? That's my family they're trying to hurt. I push my way through the forest but I stop in my tracks when I hear a familiar voice coming from the area the girls were.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to start a war with Pan?!" I heard them cry. Devin. I rush through the forest as the group continues to talk to him but the wind coursing through my ears muffles the sound as I run.

"Don't you get it?" I slow down my pace as the scene comes into view. "I'm here because I don't want to go home. None of us do." Devin tells her. He's not wrong.

"Pan's a monster." Emma's words stab my heart. Why does everyone have to assume the worst in people? I mean sure he's kidnapped tons of kids, murdered a lot of people, burned down villages...

Ok he's not a great person but I still love him. "Look what he did to you." I look over to where Emma was pointing. I was still behind the greenery but I was ready to step out at any second if things got bad. Devin now had a big red gash on his face. Did Peter do that?

"Oh, Pan didn't do that." He chuckles a little as he touches the scar. "Henry did." I smirked at the news. He was becoming a lost boy.

In rage Emma throws him against the tree trying to yell at him but Devin being Devin was making this hysterical to watch.

"It's too late! Henry is a lost boy now! Your boy is one of the most vicious new recruits we have had in ages!" I burst out laughing giving away my hiding spot and when Devin sees me he cracks up too. Both of us are not very good at this being serious thing. Emma releases him as we both still crack up laughing, tears coming to our eyes and we wrap our arms around each other in hopes to stay upright.

Emma walks over to her mom and Regina and they start planning something.

"So I can rip his heart out!" Regina yells making me stop laughing immediately. My face becomes serious as I step in front of Devin to protect him. They lower their voice once more so I can't hear them and I turn to face Devin. We give each other scared looks but nothing is going to happen to him on my watch.

Emma wraps her mom in her arms as she holds her still so she cant stop Regina. She rolls up her sleeves and walks towards us. She throws me to the side with an invisible force knocking my head on a tree. Then my vision goes black. I don't know how long I was out but however long, it was enough to see that Devin wasn't there anymore and the three of them were holding out a mirror.

I storm over to them as they lower the mirror.

"shit." Regina mumbles as I approach her. I shove her backwards by her shoulders.

"Do you have ANY IDEA who's heart you just decided to rip out??" I yell at with all my anger coming out. "That happened to be my best friend. Devin." Mary Margaret and Emma all step back from the two of us fighting.

"I thought Henry was your best friend." She snarled at me making me scoff out a laugh.

"Maybe in Storybrooke, under a curse. But here? Here it's Devin. I hope you have a way to return his heart because if not I'm doing it myself and I make no promises that I'll return." I let it slip my mouth accidently that I was already working or at least talking to the other side.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" M chimes in and I turn to glare at her. Screw it all. They'd find out the truth eventually and at this point maybe I do just need to get away from the heroes. I'm ready to fight and have fun fighting again.

"It means," A smirk forms it's way onto my face. "being here actually did remind me of my past. A past I missed."

"But you were a monster." Emma says. Is that her insult to everyone? 

"You mean, I am a monster. Don't sugarcoat anything, sweetie, I know the truth." I reply to her 'insult'.

"So you're running back to Pan. I thought you hated him." Regina said making me turn back around on my hell.

"I don't need to run to anyone. I can survive on my own. It's more of a choice and to answer your question, I thought if I told myself I hated him enough it would become true. It didn't." I shrug sarcastically. Everyone false silent and stares at me in disbelief. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like Devin's heart back please." Regina hesitates but knows the power I possess over her so she gives his half black heart to me. I smile a fake smile as I bow letting a dark green smoke cover me and transport me to the camp.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now