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Fifth Season

"I was so close to her yet so far."


The past year and a half has been filled with stuff. After Neverland came the Wicked Witch who turns out to be Regina's sister and then we got an ice bitch and the 'Queens of Darkness'.

Honestly what kind of name is that?

Also Rumples back. It takes every ounce of me to not kill him. M warned me that if I did it all trust would be lost. She was acting more like a mother to me recently than a big sister like old times and it pissed me off.

When Rumple came back it gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, I would see Peter again. I clung to that belief tightly. It was the only thing keeping me going.

Then we had a problem with the author. He sent us to another realm and for good reason as well. He believed that Villains deserve to have happy endings. Regina thought the same thing so the two of us teamed up to try and get them. It didn't work out in the end though. Henry saved us from the realm and became the author as well.

The group has started to trust me again which was nice. I had a place to sleep at night and food once more. No one could understand me though. 

I cried myself to sleep every night but no one knew about that. They just thought I was upset about Peter which I was but it was more than that. A piece of me was ripped away and no one cared. Or at least that what it seemed like.

Everyone thought I was healing and that I was getting over it and moving on. Complete bullshit that is. I just stopped bothering everyone about it and I don't talk about it as much. Except for Henry. He always seemed to care.

The two of us had gotten closer and once again I had someone who cared. He made the Peter thing easier. It was just the two of us against the world and that was enough.

But something else has come up. Darkness was threatening everyone once more and for the first time I was scared of myself. If anything brought back darkness in me, it was over for everyone. I was weak right now. Broken. My power was not functioning well after Peter. 

Now we were here. Standing on the dark, cold streets of Storybrooke, screaming for Emma as the darkness swarmed around her. Killian was a mess. This was the girl he loved and she was being hurt or killed or god knows what. 

Then a bright light flashed and the darkness vanished. As I witnessed the scene, every now and again images of the day Peter- well when it happened, would appear. Instead of seeing Emma I would see Peter. I would see his eyes looking at me one last time before the bright light washed him out making tears well up at the memory. The pain.

An object soon fell but instead of a scroll it was a dagger. The dark one dagger. And instead of the name 'Rumpelstiltskin' engraved on it... it was Emma Swan. And she was nowhere to be found.


We finally figured out a way to get to Emma. We all got inside Granny's diner and let the twister take us away to Camelot. I remember stealing Merlin's books from Camelot so they knew who I was, well they knew about me. I just had to make sure it stayed that way. We also found out the the powerful wizard Merlin was here so he would probably tell everyone who I was.

Once we landed we went to go find Emma. We found her about to kill a girl with the name of Merida. Once we got her to stop she handed me and Regina the dagger telling us we were the only two who could get passed our feelings and do what was needed to do and kill her if necessary.

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