Year 3 - 1

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Over the first few weeks of the summer holidays, the relationships in the Reid family have improved greatly. They act like a normal family now, with the twins growing fast- they spend every moment together. William had taken the summer holidays off of work, so he could care for the twins with his wife.

Cassiopeia had also seen much of her pure-blooded friends, William still bothered by her friendships with the others. Her and Draco had become close in the holidays, both having feelings for each other, but they couldn't ask the other out. With the fear of ruining their friendship leaning over them.

Today, the Reid family were all making their way to Romania to visit William's twin sister, Kathryn. Cassiopeia had never met Kathryn, because the times they would go to visit her would be during school times, so she never had the chance to see her. All she knew was that Kathryn was her aunt and herself and her husband had a daughter called Bridgit.

"Everyone ready?" William asked, holding the bags. Ara, who was holding Phoebe, nodded. As did Lyra and Cassiopeia, who was holding Leo. Together they all made their way to their destination, through the fireplace. Cassiopeia held tightly to her brother as she shouted her destination.

Once they stepped out there was a woman awaiting them, she was tall and had dark brown hair, eyes matching William's.

"Aunt Kathie!" Lyra yelled, running to her aunt's arm.

"Little Lyra!" She replied, swinging the young girl around. Kathryn then turned to the others, her eyes focused on the two babies, and then to Cassiopeia.

"Kathryn, I would like to introduce you to my children." William said, Ara walked forwards.

"This is Phoebe." Ara said, handing the young baby to the woman. Kathryn looked at the small child and started tearing up.

"She's beautiful. She's got your eyes." She said, aiming the last bit at William. She cooed at the child, and then gave her back to Ara. Ara then turned to Cassiopeia and gestured she walked forward.

"This is Leo." Ara introduced, and Kathryn took the baby from Cassiopeia's arms. Upon the change in arms, Leo started to cry. Kathryn wasn't fazed and just watched the child.

"He's beautiful. I take it as he doesn't like strangers." She commented.

"He's very particular on who he likes to hold him." William clarified. She nodded, and tried rocking Leo to make him be quiet, but with no success. Cassiopeia walked forwards and held out her arms, Kathryn looked to the girl and handed her the child. Leo's eyes looked to Cassiopeia, and he stopped crying immediately. Kathryn laughed.

"Wow, you're a natural. You'd be a good mother some-day." Kathryn commented, Cassiopeia smiled to her, but then looked back to Leo. Leo looked up at her and took a handful of her hair and laughed.

"And this is Cassiopeia." Ara said, gesturing to Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia snapped her attention away from Leo to greet her aunt.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Cassiopeia greeted, holding out her hand.

"Call me Kathryn." She replied, ignoring her hand and pulling Cassiopeia into a hug, but careful not to swash Leo. They pulled apart. "Now, let me show you to where you will be sleeping." She said, guiding the family through her manor. She showed everyone to their rooms, until it was only Lyra and Cassiopeia following their aunt. "You'll be able to meet my husband, Rodger, later Cassiopeia. He comes back from work around six o'clock. And then you'll also meet my daughter, Bridgit, she's coming back from her friend's at the same time. Dinner will be served shortly after that."

"Sounds good." Cassiopeia replied.

"This is your room, Cassiopeia." Kathryn told her, she opened the door to see a beautiful posh room.


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"Wow." Cassiopeia commented. "It's beautiful, thank you."

"You're welcome." She replied. "If you ask your sister, or your mother or father, they'll show you where the music room is."

"I will, thank you." Cassiopeia replied, the other two then made their way down the corridor and Cassiopeia entered the room. She put her bags by the bed and then she opened the door to the balcony. She stepped out and looked over the grounds, she looked to see a gazebo over a lake, reminding her of her times with Draco. Draco... She was so consumed with her thoughts that she didn't realise that her wandless magic had connected to her emotions, making the space around her snow.

"Thinking about a boy, are you?" A voice asked from behind her, she spun around to see Kathryn standing there.

"What gave it away?" Cassiopeia asked.

"You had the same look on your face as I used to when I was thinking about Rodger." She admitted, coming over to stand beside her niece. "Anything I can help you with?" 

"I just don't know what to do." Cassiopeia admitted.

"I take it that you are friends, and you are afraid to move beyond that point just in case it doesn't work?" Kathryn asked. Cassiopeia nodded. "Follow me." She said, Cassiopeia nodded and followed her aunt as they made their way through the house. They came to a room and Kathryn pushed it open, it was the music room. 


Face claim for Kathryn Rosier - Scarlett Johansson

Face claim for Kathryn Rosier - Scarlett Johansson

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