Year 3 - 28

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It was two pairs of footprints that the trio waiting outside saw first, Hermione pointed it out to them, and followed them. However they noticed that as they finally got closer one set of footprints had disappeared, Amelia looked around for the direction of the other set of footprints, and went after them into the trees. She watched the footprints in the snow get further apart and then change into animal pawprints, at this she knew that Cassiopeia had turned into her Animagus form. Amelia sighed, she didn't know how she was going to find a wolf in the forest. She called out her friend's name, and still followed the paw prints. She was about to give up when she heard whimpering of an animal. She came around the corner and saw Cassiopeia's wolf form lying in the snow crying, Amelia walked closer and sat beside her friend. Amelia laid her hand on Cassiopeia's fur, and Cassiopeia still cried/whimpered.

"What happened?" Amelia asked her friend. Cassiopeia just looked to her with her teary wolfy eyes and made a wolfy sigh. She laid her head back on her paws and looked out to the forest. Amelia knew that Cassiopeia was going to keep this to herself, like she did everything else, she just wished that her friend would tell her. "Alright, just promise me you won't bottle it all up." Cassiopeia looked to her friend. "I know that you won't tell me, and I get that. But I also know that you'll keep it to yourself and it may even become too much for you to handle." Cassiopeia nodded. "Come on, shall we go back to the castle and get a hot chocolate and sit by the fire?" Cassiopeia nodded and stood on her four legs. She then knelt on the ground. "You want me to get on?" Amelia asked. Cassiopeia nodded and Amelia climbed on her friend's back. Cassiopeia then howled and made her way through the forest at high speed, Amelia either yelling in fear or whooping in happiness the whole way.


Short chapter sorry.

Thanks for reading


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