Year 3 - 13

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The black cloaked creature looked over the Slytherin boys, and then turned to the only girl in the compartment. It then focused on her and started getting closer to her. Her friends watched in worry, as she started to fall unconscious. The creature seemed to be sucking in from her face. It got closer and closer to her, and lifted a hand out to her. But before anything else could happen a bright light from the corridor pushed the creature away, but all the Slytherins attention were on the now unconscious girl lying on the floor. They sat around her trying to shake her awake. The one who made the creature go away returned to the compartment, the Slytherins weren't happy for him to be there, but he didn't care. He was trying to make sure his student was okay. Cassiopeia began to stir and opened her eyes. The professor looked down at the girl in shock, her eyes reminded her of his childhood friend.

"Evangeline?" He asked the girl, she looked up at him with wide eyes, but then covered it up with a shake of her head.

"M-My name's Cassiopeia." She replied weakly, trying to sit up.

"Oh, my apologies." He replied- but he noticed the small hesitation-, she nodded, he then held out some chocolate. "Here, it's alright, it's chocolate." She took it from his hands.

"What was that thing?" Crabbe asked the man. He looked over to him.

"That was a Dementor." The man replied. "One of the guards of Azkaban, it was searching the train for Sirius Black. It's gone now." They nodded. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." He stood and went to the door. "Eat, you'll feel better."

"Okay." She said, she then took a bite from the chocolate, and she felt warmness bubble up inside her. Draco helped her up from the floor and sat her next to him. "What happened to me?" She asked her friends.

"Well, we're not really sure. That thing came in and it seemed drawn to you. You then started swaying and then you fell off the seat and onto the floor unconscious." Blaise explained, while Draco rubbed his thumb over her hand in a calming motion.

"And did any of you pass out?" She asked her friends. They all shook their heads.

"No, I felt weird though." Crabbe said.

"Like I'd never be happy again." Goyle added.

"Who screamed?" She asked them. They looked to her confused. "There were some screams"

"No one screamed." Theodore said.

"Did I scream?" She asked. They all shook their head.

"What did you hear?" Draco asked her.

"A man scream, a woman scream, a young boy scream and then my scream." She listed. They looked to her in confusion.

"Cass, no one screamed." Blaise said to her. She looked to them in confusion.

"Maybe I imagined it." She replied. "I'm going to go and change."

Cassiopeia grabbed her things and made her way through the train, but as she was walking, she was pulled into a compartment by the Golden Trio and Amelia.

"Are you alright?" Amelia asked her friend, pulling her into a hug.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered out. "You guys?"

"Sure." Ron replied, Harry stayed silent.

"You alright, Harry?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Did anyone in your compartment pass out?" He asked her. She nodded. "Who?"

"I did. But I was the only one." She replied.

"And d-did you hear a woman screaming?" He asked her cautiously.

"Yeah." She replied. "I also heard some other screams."

"Other screams?" Hermione asked. She nodded.

"A man, a woman, a young boy's and mine." She told them, they looked at her confused. "But I think I imagined it, because no one else seemed to hear it in my compartment."

"Was there a dementor in front of you?" Amelia asked. She nodded.

"According to the others it ignored them and just kept getting closer to me. Then it went to reach out its hand at me. But then the professor stopped it." She told them. "I'm going to go and change. Please don't tell anyone about what I heard when I fainted, I don't want people thinking I'm crazy."

"We won't." They replied.

"Thanks." She replied, then she went to go and change.


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