Year 3 - 18

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Together Cassiopeia, Amelia, Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way down to Hagrid's Hut for Care of Magical Creatures. While Ron was talking about the Grim.

"You don't think that 'Grim thing' has got anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron asks the group.

"Oh, honestly, Ron. If you ask me, Divination is a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That's a very fascinating subject." Hermione replied.

"Oh, I agree about Ancient Runes." Cassiopeia said to Hermione.

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you two taking this term?" Ron asks the pair.

"A fair few." The pair reply in unison.

"Hang on, that's not possible. Ancient Runes is on at the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once." Ron says.

"Don't be silly, Ron. How could anyone be in two classes at once?" Cassiopeia replied.

"Broaden your minds..." Hermione mimicked Professor Trelawney. The others laughed. As they got to Hagrid's Hut they were met with the sight of students grouped where Hagrid was talking to them.

"I've got a real trea' for yeh, today. A grea' lesson. Follow me." Hagrid said, and with that everyone followed him into a clearing in the Dark Forest. The Golden Trio, along with Cassiopeia and Amelia were leading the group- wanting Hagrid's first lesson to work for him.

"Right, yeh lot, less chattering. Form a group over there and open yer books ter page 49." Hagrid said.

"And exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked bitterly.

"You stroke the spine." Cassiopeia informed him, informing everyone else as well. Neville then opened his book, without stroking the spin first, meaning the book started trying to eat him. He fell to the floor yelling out.

"Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." Draco commented as he walked past with the Slytherins. Cassiopeia looked over to her boyfriend and walked over to him. They stood in front of a tree with the others, Draco gave Cassiopeia a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"I think they're funny." Hermione commented about the books.

"Oh, yeah. Terribly funny." Draco sneered from the side lines. "Really witty. Go this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Crabbe and Goyle laughed loudly.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said, coming past Ron and Hermione to face Draco. The Slytherin group, including Cassiopeia, make a noise of 'oooo, look who's pretending to be brave'. Draco smirked and handed his bag to Crabbe. He swaggered up to Harry, smirking at him. While Cassiopeia walked over to Amelia. Then Draco stopped and looked behind Harry. He stepped back and stuttered out.

"Dementor! Dementor!" He shouts, pointing in the air. Everyone, except the Slytherin's, and Cassiopeia, spun around in fright- including Harry. The Slytherin's laughed and they went back into a line and put their black hoods up, making 'ghost' noises. Amelia looked over in disbelief at Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia just shrugged, she knew that Draco wouldn't change his ways, even if she asked him to. Hermione walked up to Harry and pulled him away from Draco.

"You're supposed to stroke it." Cassiopeia told Neville.

"Yeah." He replied. Hagrid then cleared his throat, everyone turned to see him with dead ferrets around his neck.

"Say hello ter Buckbeak and Fleetwing." Hagrid said, pointing to a beautiful white Hippogriff and a beautiful black one.

"Hagrid, what exactly are they?" Ron asked, a scared tone in his voice.

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