Year 3 - 34

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"Broaden your minds! Look into the beyond!" Professor Trelawny said to the class. Everyone was sitting on their own tables, looking into the crystal balls. The Professor was walking around, talking to people. And then she walked up to the table with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Amelia.

"Do you mind me trying?" Hermione asked. The Professor nodded and looked into the ball.  "The grim, possibly." Hermione said with confidence.

"My dear, from the first moment you set foot into my class. I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of divination. There you see, there." The Professor replied, showing a line on Hermione's palm. "You may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosoms is as shrivelled as an old man's and your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." Hermione ripped her hand out of the Professors and stood from her chair. She grabbed her back and wacked the crystal ball, so it fell from the stand and rolled out the classroom. The Professor turned to the other three. "Have I said something?"


The class continued and the rest of the class left when the bell rang. The trio walked down the stairs and came across the crystal ball Hermione let roll away from the class.

"Come on, we better take this back." Harry said to the pair, holding the ball.

"I'm not going back there." Ron and Amelia said in unison.

"Alright. I'll see you later." Harry said, walking back up the stairs with the ball in his hands. On his way up he bumped into Cassiopeia, making him drop the ball. But Cassiopeia caught it before it could roll back down the stairs.

"Steady there, Harry." Cassiopeia said- her voice almost back to normal-, handing back the ball.

"Thanks." He replied.

"Want company?" She asked. He nodded and the pair walked up to the Divination classroom. Together they walked in and Harry put the ball on the stand. But then he heard something.

"Harry..." A voice whispered. He looked to the crystal ball and noticed that there was a head there. "Harry Potter..." The voice whispered and he noticed that the face in the ball was Sirius Black. Cassiopeia stood by his side looking at the face in the ball also. Then someone put a hand on both of their shoulders, making them both jump in fright and spin around to come face to face with Professor Trelawny.

"Professor Trelawny." Harry breathed out in relief. But the Professor's eyes were clouded over and she took a raspy breath in.

"He will return tonight.

Tonight, he who betrayed his friends with murder at Hogwarts shall break free.

Innocent blood shall be spilt.

And servant and master shall be reunited once more..." The Professor prophesised, and then coughed as she came back into reality, removing her hands from their shoulders. She came back to attention and saw the pair standing there.

"Oh, sorry, my dear kids. Did you say something?" She asked.

"No. Nothing." Cassiopeia managed to breathe out before grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him from the classroom. Rushing as soon as they got out of view of the Professor.


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