Year 4 - 27

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Draco ended staying a few days, he needed the kind of support that he could only get from Cassiopeia. She didn't mind though, not at all. They were each other's rocks, and they knew it and accepted it. Once he had left there was only a few days until they were due back at Hogwarts. Cassiopeia walked through the house on the night before she was due to leave, William had still not spoken to her, so she thought that it'd be best if she went to him.

"William?" She called, knocking on the door. He called for her to come in then gestured for the to sit on the couch. Which she did. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I'll get right to it." He replied, coming and sitting on the chair opposite her. He rolled up his left sleeve to show his dark mark. It had changed since she had last seen it, it was just like it was in her dream. Dark and moving. Cassiopeia reached forwards and took her arm in her hands. She brushed one hand over it, William watching her moves.

"Does it hurt?" She asked. Looking up to face him. He pulled his sleeve back down.

"It stings now and then. More like a discomfort rather than pain." He explained. "I'm assuming you know what it means?"

"He's coming back." She whispered, looking to her hands in her lap. He nodded. He reached over and took her hands, making her look up at him.

"When he does, we'll be here for you. We think that he'll stay with the Malfoys, so you won't have him here. But he will probably be expecting a heavy attendance from you. Considering you're his daughter and you're also technically our eldest." William explained.

"Is he going to expect me to become a death eater straight away?" She asked quietly.

"No, I don't think so. I think that he'll just have you there as support. The earliest, and this is the earliest, and I don't know whether he'll take the earliest. But it would be when you're 16." William told her.

"16?" She asked.

"I know, that's why it's the absolute earliest." He replied. She nodded, she looked back to their entwined hands.

"What if I don't meet his expectations?" She asked.

"Then we'll protect you. Besides, you have some people looking out for you. I promise." He told her. He then used his fingers to raise her head. "You're not alone. No matter how lonely you are, you're never alone. We're there for you." She reached over and pulled him into a hug. He welcomed the embrace and held her tight. They then pulled apart and he changed the subject. "The Second task is in just under two months, how are you feeling?"

"I've listened to the clue. And I've got some rough ideas. I need to touch them into better ideas, I'll be in the library when I go back. But I think I'm ready." She told him. He smiled.

"Even though you're a young contestant, you're doing well. And I will be there for the second and third task, don't worry." William told her.

"Thanks. It'll mean a lot." She replied with a smile. 


Short chapter sorry

Thanks for reading


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