Year 3 - 8

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Cassiopeia opened the door of the Leaky Cauldron and was met with a sight for the majority of the Weasley's sitting around a table eating- the only ones missing being the three she had just met. She walked past them towards an awaiting Draco.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a few hold ups." She explained, giving him a hug.

"That's alright." Draco replied, when they pulled apart Draco looked at Cassiopeia in awe. She had grown a lot through the summer, her body wasn't too skinny and she had the curves in the right places. The makeup around her eyes made her sapphire eyes pop and sparkle. "You look beautiful." He complimented. She smiled, making his heart flutter.

"Is there anyway we can go for a walk?" She asked. He nodded. "How about we get a drink to go, and we walk and talk?"

"Sounds good, I'll get us some butterbeers to go." He said, she nodded. She then turned to see the Weasleys, plus Hermione and Harry, looking at her. She smiled and waved.

"Ms Reid?" A voice asked, she turned to see Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy entering the pub. Cassiopeia saw the Weasley's faces turn to annoyance.

"Mr Malfoy, Narcissa. Lovely to see you." She said, greeting each of them with a hug.

"You too, my dear." Narcissa replied.

"How many times do I need to tell you to call me Lucius?" Lucius said.

"How many times do I need to tell you to call me Cassiopeia?" Cassiopeia replied with a smirk. Lucius smiled at her, a genuine smile, shocking the Weasleys.

"Maybe it will happen one day." Lucius replied. Cassiopeia laughed. "Now, have you seen Draco?"

"Yes, he's getting us drinks. We're going for a walk, I need to speak with him." Cassiopeia replied.

"Alright, can you tell him that we have the rest of his supplies and that we have taken them back home." Lucius asked. Cassiopeia nodded.

"I will." She replied.

"It was nice seeing you, Ms Reid." Lucius replied, giving a kiss on Cassiopeia's knuckles.

"And you, Mr Malfoy." Cassiopeia replied, giving him a bow. "Nice seeing you Narcissa." She said to the woman, giving her a bow too, which Narcissa mirrored. They then made their way from the pub. When they left, Cassiopeia turned around to see the Weasleys watching her.

"Ms Reid?" Mr Weasley asked.

"Yes, sir?" She replied.

"No need for that." He replied, "May I borrow you for a moment?" He asked, shocking everyone at the table. She nodded and followed him around to a secluded place. "Has the Minister of Magic come around to see you yet?" He asked.

"No, sir." She replied. "Why is something wrong?"

"Sort of, but I cannot tell you. I believe the Minister will be around in the next few days to speak with you and your parents." He said. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Okay, thank you, Mr Weasley." Cassiopeia replied.

"Call me Arthur." He replied.

"I can't, sorry, Sir. It would be too disrespectful." She replied.

"Alright then, Ms Reid." He replied, with a nod the two made their way back to the table. When she got back to her spot, she turned to see Draco coming towards her. She smiled.

"Ready?" Draco asked. She nodded, and took her drink from him. As they left the pub, she gave the Weasleys a wave goodbye. Which most of them returned. Cassiopeia led Draco to the park just beyond the streets, out of the way and rarely known about. "How long has this park been here?" Draco asked as Cassiopeia led him to the swings.

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