Year 4 - 4

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The match ended, Ireland winning. As soon as the game came to a close, Cassiopeia smirked and turned to Draco.

"Guess who won the bet." She sang. Draco rolled his eyes. "Aww, who's being a sore loser? Is it you?" She teased, pinching Draco's cheeks. Lucius turned to the pair, amused.

"I believe you owe Ms Reid some money, Draco." He said.

"Yeah, yeah." He said, going into his pockets and pulling out 20 galleons, placing it into his girlfriend's outstretched hand.

"Why, thank you very much." Cassiopeia said, pocketing the money. Everyone then went to depart, Cassiopeia turned to the Malfoys. "Don't forget I'm staying with Amelia for the night."

"Yes, Ms Reid. Just be careful tonight." Lucius said, with a slight warning to his tone. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Thank you for bringing me." She said.

"You're welcome, see you soon." Lucius replied. Draco then gave her a hug goodbye, and the Malfoys apparated away. Cassiopeia then made her way to the Weasley tent, which looked small from the outside, but was massive from the inside. She walked in and was brought into a hug straight away.

"Jeez, Amelia, let her breathe." Ron commented. Amelia laughed and pulled away. Cassiopeia hugged all her friends and then turned to Mr Weasley.

"Thank you for having me tonight, Mr Weasley." She said to him. He smiled.

"You're welcome. Pick one of the bunks to the left, or you'll be sharing with the snoring boys." He replied.

"Will do, Sir." She said with a smile and walked to the said bunks. As she came back out, she saw that Fred and George were pretending to play the flute in an Irish tune.

"There's no one like Krum." Ron interrupted their tunes, standing on a chair in between them.

"Krum?" Fred asked in a dumb voice.

"Dumb, Krum?" George added, in the same voice as his twin.

"He's like a bird, the way he flies through the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." Ron continued.

"Think you're in love, Ron?" Ginny teased.

"Shut up." Ron snapped at her.

"Viktor, I love you. Viktor I do." The twins sang.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you." Everyone else joined in. There is then some noise from outside.

"Sounds like the Irish's got their pride on." Fred commented. But Mr Weasley ran into the tent.

"Stop! Stop it!" He said, pulling apart Ron and George who were having a little wrestle. "It's not the Irish. We've got to get out of here, now." With that everyone rushed out the tent.

"It's the Death Eaters!" Someone in the distance called.

"Right, get to the Portkey everybody, and stick together!" Mr Weasley ordered. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility."

"Come on." Fred said, pulling his sister along with him, George following. Hermione, Ron, Amelia and Cassiopeia started to run, but Harry just looked at the mess. There were people running and screaming everywhere. Tents were up in flames, and people were being lifted into the air. Others being pushed to the floor.

"HARRY!" Hermione called, Harry snapped out of his trance and rushed after her. The Weasley's and their guests all managed to stick together. Until the crowds of people began to flow in different directions.

"CASS!" Amelia called as their hands got ripped apart.

"HARRY!" Hermione called as Harry got pulled in another direction. Neither could go back for their friends as they were pulled together towards the direction of the forest. Harry was rushed off his feet with the crowd as they all caught sight of a group of people wearing skull masks. However, Harry tripped over a tent guide-rope and fell to the floor. He attempted to climb up, but among the rushing people someone kicked him in the head. His head knocked into the ground and he was left unconscious. Cassiopeia was pulled in the other direction, through more and more terrified people. She rushed with the people, but herself and a few people were blown off their feet as a tent beside them was lit on fire and was exploded by the skull-masked men. She was left lying on the floor unconscious, body littered with burns.

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