Year 4 - 3

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A snake slithered across the floor, sliding effortlessly through the rocks, grass, gravestones. The first gravestone the snake went past was a tall grave, which had a tall stone statue beside it. The statue was in the shape of a Grim Reaper, backed with some contrasting wings, holding his scythe high in the air. As if threatening anyone who came close. But the snake took no notice of the stone, just making his way around it as it blocked its path.

The snake continued its path through the gravestones, coming to the tall house on the hill. Going through the door, the snake climbed higher and higher as it went up the winding, woody steps, covered in dirt, dust and cobwebs. But the snake stopped and hid by the edge of the stairwell as there were footsteps behind it. Footsteps of the old man, who was the caretaker of the abandoned house, as he climbed the stairs slowly as he held his torch in his hand. Ready to banish anyone in the house away. Holding his torch in his shaking hand, he climbed higher and higher, coming to a pause when a voice could be heard. He switched off the torch and stood still, close to the top of the stairs, listening in to who was in the room. The voice speaking was harsh and rough.

"How fastidious you have become, Wormtail. As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter home." The voice said. "Could it be that nursing me had become wearisome for you?" A small man, hunching over the chair that another sat in, came into view of the doorway.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the girl and boy." The man said.

"No! Those children are everything! It cannot be done without them." The person in the chair insisted in such a harsh voice that the hunched-back man standing in front of the chair shrunk back in fear. Another man, wearing a long leather coat, came to the other side of the chair, while the person in the chair's voice seemed to get rougher- more forced. As if it pained to speak. The caretaker took a few more steps closer to the open door, coming to the top of the stairs and to the landing. "And it will be done. Exactly as I say."

"I will not disappoint you, My Lord." The man wearing the leather-coat said.

"Good, first, gather our army. Send them a sign." The harsh voice said. Then the caretaker moved back in fear as the snake slid past his feet. Gliding effortlessly into the room and draping itself over the back of the armchair. Hissing as it goes. "Nagini tells me that the muggle caretaker is standing just outside the door." At this the hunched-back man stands quickly and goes to the door, while the man in leather jumps up aswell. The caretaker jumped back in fear as the hunched man appeared in the doorway. "Step aside, Wormtail, so I may give our guess a proper greeting. 'Avada Kedavra!'" With that all the caretaker could see was green as the lightning streak coming from the wand of the person sitting in the chair as it hits it's mark. As the green bolt coming out of the wand ended the life of the caretaker. The simple caretaker that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The green bolt ending his life. The green bolt coming from the person in the chair's wand. The green killing curse that came from the wand of Lord Voldemort.


"Wake up! Wake up, Cass!" A voice shouted. Cassiopeia snapped away from her dream and her eyes opened in shock as she breathed heavily and her scar burned. She turned to see William standing at her bedside. "Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded.

"Bad dream." She breathed out. He nodded and turned on her bedside lamp.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked. Cassiopeia just shook her head. "Well I thought I should wake you, you're due to be at the Malfoy's in an hour. Breakfast in ten."

"Okay." She replied. He nodded and left her to change. Today was the day that she was going to the Quidditch world cup with the Malfoys. She had received letters from Amelia saying that she was going today as well, but she was going with the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione. Cassiopeia had asked permission from William to spend time with Amelia after the game, she'd just held back from saying who Amelia was going with, so he'd say yes. After getting ready, Cassiopeia made her way down to the dining room where breakfast was waiting. The family ate breakfast in a relative silence, with a few questions here and there. After they'd eaten Cassiopeia grabbed a bag and her wand and then made her way to the fireplace. "See you later." She told Ara who was in the living room at the time. Ara waved goodbye and watched as Cassiopeia disappeared in a flame of green. When she arrived at the Malfoy manor, she was greeted by Narcissa.

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