Year 4 - 36

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The trio landed with a thud on the floor of the arena. Everyone in the stands began to cheer and the music began to play. But Harry and Cassiopeia didn't join in with the celebrations. Harry leant over Cedric's body, crying, while Cassiopeia moved back and sat on the grass. She brought her head into her hands and tried to get over what just happened. There were cheers and cheers as none of the audience had realised what happened.  Fleur had walked over and screamed as she saw the dead champion, however the cheers were too loud for anyone to hear. Professor Dumbledore rushed over to Harry, he tried to pull Harry away from Cedric's body, but he wouldn't move. He exclaimed 'no' a few times, which caused the music to stop and people to stop cheering as they realised something was wrong.

"For goodness sakes, Dumbledore. What's happened?" Cornelius Fudge asked the Headmaster.

"He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him. Not there." Harry sobbed out. Professor Dumbledore reached forwards and held Harry's face in his hands.

"It's alright. It's alright, he's home. You all are." The Headmaster said to Harry, looking to Cassiopeia too. He noticed the blood running from her forehead and the pale complexion she wore. But he mostly noticed how tired and drained she looked.

"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy's just been killed." The Minister of Magic spoke to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. At this people in the audience gasped, and Professor Snape made his way to his goddaughter's side. He knelt beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.  The Minister then came back to the Headmaster. "The body must be moved, Dumbledore. Too many people." He spoke. But then there was a call from the crowd.

"Let me through! Let me through!" Amos Diggory called from the crowds, pushing past people. He rushed forwards and came to where the people were huddled. Professor McGonagall moved aside so that the father could see his son. "That's my son! That's my boy!" Amos sobbed out. He fell to his knees and cried over his son's body. Professor Dumbledore placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort as the man screamed out in grief. Professor Snape moved away from his goddaughter to speak with the Minster of Magic, she didn't mind. She was just staring at Cedric's unmoving face, wishing she could have done something. A hand then came to her shoulder and Cassiopeia turned to see Professor Moody standing behind her. He gestured she follow him, so she did. On the way he also picked up Harry.

"This is not where you want to be." He told the struggling boy in his arms. "Neither of you." He added, looking to Cassiopeia. Everyone was silent in the arena, the only thing being heard were the cries of a father losing his son. Cassiopeia stopped, going to turn back- wondering whether leaving was the right thing. But then Professor Moody's hand reached out and grabbed her. She turned to see Harry was standing there, in the Professor's other arm. Professor Moody walked with the pair, pulling Cassiopeia by the arm and supporting Harry with his cane. As they got to his office, Professor Moody let the pair go, they stood together as Professor Moody closed the door behind him, neither noticing that he locked it. He walked them further into the office and brought them both out a stall to sit on. They both sat, and Harry reached over and took Cassiopeia's hand in his. She squeezed back tightly as she felt something off about the situation. The Professor knelt in front of the pair.

"Are you alright, Potter, Reid?" The Professor addressed the two, they nodded. He then looked to Harry's arm. "Does it hurt? That?"

"Not so much, now." Harry replied.

"Perhaps I'd better take a look at it." The Professor replied. Harry nodded and the Professor pulled back the fabric of Harry's sleeve to see the cut.

"The cup was a portkey. Someone had bewitched it." Harry explained.

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