Year 3 - 39

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Amelia sat in a chair besides Cassiopeia's bed, looking at her hands, which held one of her friend's hands. Hermione sat on the edge of her own bed, waiting for Harry to wake up so she could tell him the bad news. Ron sat in his bed, his leg in a cast on top of some pillows. Whereas Harry and Cassiopeia were both unconscious.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed after seeing her friend's eyes open. She rushed over to stand beside him.

"I saw my mum and dad." Was the first thing that Harry said as he awoke.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"They sent the Dementors away." Harry explained. "I saw them across the lake."

"Listen, Harry. They've captured Sirius. Any moment the Dementors are going to perform the kiss." Hermione said.

"You mean they're gonna kill him?" He exclaimed jumping up from the bed and grabbing his glasses.

"No, it's worse. They're going to suck out his soul." Hermione explained. Then the doors of the Hospital wing opened and in walked Professor Dumbledore.

"Headmaster, you've got to stop them!" Hermione demanded, walking closer to him. "They've got the wrong man."

"It's true, Sir. Sirius is innocent." Harry said, backing Hermione up as he came to stand near her.

"It's Scabbers who did it." Ron said from his bed.

"Scabbers?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"It's my rat, Sir. He's not really a rat, well he was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl, and I got-" Ron started to ramble, to be interrupted by Cassiopeia.

"Gone a little off track, Ronald." She interrupted, giving Amelia's hand a squeeze to show she was okay.

"The point is, we know the truth." Amelia said.

"Please believe us." Hermione added.

"I do, Ms Granger. But I'm sorry to say, but the word of five thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others." The Headmaster replied, patting his hand against Ron's broken leg, making him whimper in pain. "A child's voice, however, honest and true, means nothing to those who have forgotten how to listen. Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. Meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is being held in the top-most cell in the dark tower. You know the laws, Ms Granger, Ms Reid. You mustn't be seen. You would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not the consequences are too gastly to imagine. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life can be spared. Three turns should do it." The Headmaster then winked to the two girls and made his way out the room. But stopped just as he was about to close the doors. "Oh, and when in doubt I find retracing my steps a wise place to begin. Good luck." Then the doors were closed.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked. Hermione and Cassiopeia looked to each other and nodded. Cassiopeia grabbed her wand from her bedside table and started to get off the bed.

"Cass, what the hell? You shouldn't be moving anywhere. You should be resting." Amelia protested, standing from her chair.

"No time, I'm afraid. I can do that later." Cassiopeia replied, she then waved her wand and she had gone from the dirty clothes she was in into fresh clothes. She then used the edge of the bed to steady herself and then grabbed Amelia's hand.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked. Cassiopeia nodded.

"Sorry, Ron. But seeing as you can't walk." Hermione said. She then brought out her time turner from under her top while Cassiopeia did the same. Hermione put her chain around Harry's neck and her own, while Cassiopeia put hers around Amelia's and her own. Cassiopeia held the time turner and Amelia looked at it in amazement. Harry had the same reaction but went to touch Hermione's, causing her to slap his hand away. The girls nodded to each other and both turned their time turner 3 times. There was then a rush of blurs as the group went back in time 3 hours. The pair brought their time turners back under their tops.

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