Year 4 - 21

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Cassiopeia walked with Amelia to the side of the classroom where the girls were sitting. It had been requested that the forth years and above come to the classroom instead of going to their classes. Professor Snape was standing in the middle of the room, a gramaphone on the table behind him. He looked fed up and impatient. Once everyone sat down he called for silence.

"Right, so. The Yule Ball has  been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its invention. On Christmas Eve night we, and our guests, gather in the Great Hall for well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, it is expected for each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and this is meant literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance." Professor Snape explained. From the boys' side there were groans and some squeals of excitement. Cassiopeia looked over to see an excited Amelia, Cassiopeia just rolled her eyes. "Now, the house of Salasar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. Known for regality and grace. I would not like for this reputation to be broken in a single evening by you all behaving wildly and inapropriately. More importantly, you should be there to celebrate the Triwizard champion that is in your house. Now, to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl is a secret swan that slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy a lordly lion prepares to prance. And yes, before you ask, I have been told to say those words. I would have completely thrown it away if I had a choice. Right, Ms Reid, will you come forth with Mr Malfoy?" Cassiopeia looked over to Draco and they both nodded awkwardly. They got off their benches and walked over to Professor Snape. "Now, I know you two know how to dance, so I'll turn the music on and take it away." He then turned on the music and Draco and Cassiopeia looked to each other. Cassiopeia took a breath and placed her hand on his shoulder, he then did the same on her waist and took her other hand. They then danced, counting the beats in their heads but avoiding eye contact. Everyone watched them dance, and they could tell there was tension between the pair, but they could still see the skill in their dancing as Draco led Cassiopeia round the room. After a while of dancing by themselves, Professor Snape got other people to dance too. Cassiopeia swapped to dance with Theodore while Draco danced with Pansy and Amelia with Blaise.

"You okay?" Theodore asked Cassiopeia, she looked at him and nodded. He just raised his eyebrow. "Okay, and now the truth?"

"I don't want to go to a ball." She told him.

"I'm afraid to say, but you have too." He replied.

"I know." She said.

"Yes! I'd love to go to the ball with you!" Pansy's loud voice exclaimed. Everyone turned to see that she was happily hugging Draco. He'd just asked her to the ball. Theodore used his hand to turn Cassiopeia's head to face him.

"Don't do that. Don't show that it hurts. Hey, what if we went to the ball together? As friends of course." He said to her.

"Okay." She whispered to him. He pulled her closer to him, and she held back the tears as she listened to his heartbeat.

"Amelia's coming over." He warned her.

"Can I steal Cass?" She asked. Theodore nodded and Amelia took Cassiopeia into her arms and they danced. It brought a smile to both girls' faces as they spun around the room. "Guess what."

"What?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Blaise asked me to the ball." Amelia told her.

"That's amazing, Mia." Cassiopeia said with a smile.

"You do realise that we're going dress shopping, right?" She asked. Cassiopeia nodded.

"I assumed." She replied.

"How are you?" Amelia asked.

"I'm alright." Cassiopeia replied.

"I'll leave it for now. We're having a chat later." Amelia replied. Cassiopeia nodded.


The days were filled with boys attempting to ask out girls, girls faffing over what they were going to wear or what they were going to do with their hair. Harry was having the biggest trouble. He couldn't ask anyone to the ball, he was too embarrassed. But considering he was a champion, he needed a date. Cassiopeia walked up to the Ravenclaw table and sat beside Bridgit. They'd been a bit busy to see each other since the girls' night, so she took the time to sit with her for breakfast.

"Well done for the first task. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time." Jessica told her. Cassiopeia sent her a smile.

"We heard about the ball, it's all anyone is talking about. Who are you going with?" Emily asked.

"I'm going with my friend Theo." Cassiopeia replied.

"What about Draco?" Bridgit asked.

"We're not speaking at the moment. I was hoping to take him to the ball and talk it over, but he asked Pansy." Cassiopeia explained. "But it's fine. Theo's taking me and we're great friends."

"Does that mean you get to go dress shopping?" Jessica asked. Cassiopeia nodded.

"I believe we're going tomorrow. It's hogsmede weekend after all. Although I think everyone else will have the same thoughts." Cassiopeia replied. They all nodded and their discussion went onto something else. Cassiopeia felt that it was nice to talk about things other than the ball or the competition. She could feel like a normal teenager for once, not with the threat of death hanging over her like she normally has. After breakfast, Cassiopeia and Amelia were walking through the courtyard when Harry and Ron walked up to them.

"Hello, gentlemen." Cassiopeia greeted. "And how can we help?"

"Do you have dates to the ball?" Harry asked.

"Yes, sorry." Amelia replied.

"Both of you?" Ron asked. They both nodded.

"How do you ask someone? Girls always travel in packs." Harry asked Ron, more than the girls. But they heard.

"Well, first you need to actually ask someone you want to go with." Amelia replied. "Don't just ask the first girl you see."

"And if they are in groups, not packs that makes us sound like wild dogs, either wait until they're on their own or ask to talk to them alone." Cassiopeia added.

"Right, okay. Thanks." Harry replied, Cassiopeia nodded and then she and Amelia walked away.


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