Year 4 - 31

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Having been told that they would have to face a maze for the final task, Cassiopeia and her friends worked together to help her with her spells. She didn't need much, but they wanted to be safe. They wanted her to feel like she was prepared, even though they knew she was already completely ready for the thing to be tomorrow. But after weeks and weeks of practicing, it came to the time where they could say that the task was tomorrow. Cassiopeia was both a rack of nerves, but also just wanted the whole thing to be over. Especially because she felt that the final task held an aura of darkness, she feared that someone wasn't going to make it. She wanted to spend as much time with her friends and cousin just in case the feeling was true, and it was her that wouldn't come home.

It was the final night when Cassiopeia and Draco were in the Room of Requirement, as usual there was a piano placed in the middle. She looked to him and started to sing.

As she did, she linked into her magic and made the room turn dark like the night sky. The starts were shining and the room was dark. She then used her magic to make lots of glow points around the room, like fireflies glowing through the night. Draco's eyes lit up in wonder and watched as the fireflies lit up his girlfriend's face with a gorgeous glow. Once she finished the song, Draco moved over and brought her into his arms. He asked the room for a sofa, and one appeared. They sat on it together, Cassiopeia lying in Draco's arms, and just talked about random things. They liked the time that they had together just on their own, it made them feel like a couple again. Cassiopeia really wanted to talk to him about their father's marks returning, but she didn't want to sour the mood- which she knew it definitely would have.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen when the time came, she knew she would have to tell Draco who her real parents were, but she also wasn't sure whether Voldemort would want it known- even among his Death Eaters. Or if he did, only those closest to him. She hoped that they could look past it, I mean she didn't consider Voldemort as his father so she hoped that Draco wouldn't care- or at least wouldn't mind. After all her true father figures were Professor Snape and William, recently, so Voldemort held no significance in her life. All she saw him as was an evil wizard who thinks that all non-pureblood should be eliminated. Which was something she didn't believe in.

So, she decided to put it from her mind, and focus on the here and now. She looked up to Draco to see him smiling down at her. She leant up and kissed him, and then the pair drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. Home.


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