Year 3 - 9

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Cassiopeia knocked on Lyra's door, even though it was early evening- Lyra had decided to go back to her room.

"Come in." Lyra's voice came from inside. Cassiopeia opened the door and walked into the blue room. Lyra looked over to her from her window seat, where she had her nose stuck in a book. "Hey, Cassie."

"Hey, Lele. Look we need to talk about tomorrow." Cassiopeia said, coming over to her. "We can't go out."

"That's okay, we can do it the next day." Lyra said, looking to her sister. Cassiopeia shook her head.

"I'm sorry, we can't do it this time. We will have to do it when I come back for Christmas." Cassiopeia explained. Lyra put down her book and brought her whole attention to her sister.

"Why?" Lyra asked.

"I'm going to be beneath the house for the rest of my time here." Cassiopeia said, using her disguise of the dungeons- 'Beneath the house'.

"Why?" Lyra asked.

"Apparently, when pure-bloods get their first proper boyfriend/girlfriend, they have to give you the 'Growing-Up Lesson'. Which in other words is just an intense torture." Cassiopeia explained.

"You have a boyfriend?" Lyra asked.

"Yeah, Draco Malfoy." Cassiopeia told her. She smiled.

"I'm glad you're happy, but it's a shame about the punishment." Lyra replied. Her eyes then widened. "Does that mean I have to go through it when I get into a relationship?"

"No, that I can promise you." Cassiopeia replied, taking Lyra by the shoulders.

"How can you be so sure?" Lyra asked.

"Because I have made a deal with William. He will not do the torture to you, Phoebe or Leo." Cassiopeia told her.

"What made him agree to that?" She asked.

"I made him give me the punishments for you three." Cassiopeia admitted. Lyra looked to her in shock.

"You shouldn't have done that! Why would you even do that?" Lyra asked.

"Because I am your older sister, and I swore to protect you when you were born. And that includes from torture from your father." Cassiopeia told her. Lyra looked to her with tears in her eyes and brought the older girl into a hug. Cassiopeia hugged back and stroked the young girl's hair. "I will always be there for you Lyra. Never forget that."

"I love you, Cassie." Lyra replied.

"Love you too." Cassiopeia said. "Did you want anything to drink?"

"Hot chocolate please." Lyra replied. Cassiopeia nodded and planted a kiss on Lyra's forehead. Cassiopeia then made her way to the kitchens, but on her way, there was a ring of the doorbell, she was at the bottom of stairs, so she decided to answer it herself. When she opened it, she was shocked to see the Minister of Magic standing there, along with two other men.

"Ahh, Miss Reid. Good evening." The Minster said.

"And a good evening to you too, sirs. Would you like to come in?" Cassiopeia asked. They nodded and she moved to the side and opened the door wider. The three men entered the atrium, and then Cassiopeia turned to them. "May I offer you a drink?"

"Oh, that would be lovely, thank you." The Minister replied. She then gestured they followed her, and she led them to the kitchens. When they entered, she turned to them.

"What can I get you?" She asked.

"Well we have to speak to your parents about a serious matter, so something strong for me please." The Minster replied. Cassiopeia nodded and then turned to the other two.

"What can I get your, sirs?" She asked them.

"Please call me Kingsley." The dark sinned man said, she knew of him. He was a famous Auror called Kingsley Shacklebolt. "And can I have a water please?" She nodded.

"Call me, Jason." The other said, he was the famous Auror Jason Dawlish. "And do you have orange juice?" She nodded. She then went towards the counter and called upon Poppy.

"Poppy, can you please tell mother and father that the Minister of Magic and two Aurors are here to see them both. Say that I'll bring them up to his study." She said to the elf. The elf nodded and disapparated. She called upon another house elf- Ben-, and asked him to boil some water in a tea pot and heat two glasses of milk and make hot chocolate. He nodded and got to work, she then grabbed four glasses and filled one with water and the other with orange juice. She handed the two glasses to the drinkers. She then grabbed some whiskey from the cupboard. She put the two glasses on a tray with the bottle, pouring the liquid into both. She handed one glass to the Minister and left the other one on the tray. She then grabbed a china cup and saucer and put it on another tray, Ben then put the tea pot on the tray, and handed the hot chocolates to Cassiopeia, she put them on the tray also.

"If you'd like to follow me." Cassiopeia said, grabbing the tray. They nodded and followed her towards the door. They exited the kitchens and made their way up the stairs towards William's study- where she had been only moments before. When they reached the door, Cassiopeia used her foot to gently knock on the door.

"Enter." A voice called from inside. The Minister of Magic opened the door for her, and she nodded in gratitude. She let the men walk in, and then she followed. She put the tray down on the table and the took the two mugs of hot chocolate. She left the room and went to go and drink the drinks with Lyra.

"Pleasure to see you all." Ara greeted, and they greeted her back.

"Cornelius, how can we help you?" William asked once they had all sat down.

"We have a rather serious matter to discuss, it's about your daughter, Cassiopeia." Cornelius replied. William and Ara shared a look of confusion.

"What about her?" Ara asked. And with that the Minister of Magic, and the two Aurors, went into an explanation.


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